Chapter 16

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After taking Annaliese to school I hear a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I asked the young stranger.

"Brittany Jamison?"


"You have just been served." He hands me a thick manila envelope.

"Wh-" Before I can finish the word, he is gone.

I unravel the thick envelope. Starting me in bold letters are Kyle Peters vs Brittany Jamison. It appears Kyle is suing for paternity rights. No he isn't, not if I can help it!

I rummage though my wallet. I find his card right in the middle of my wallet. I punch in the numbers.

"Kyle Peters."

"I know who the fuck I'm calling! If you think you can just take my baby away from me you are wrongly mistaken. I will end you." I scream into the phone.

"You're sexy when you're angry. I'll drop the charges if you divorce your husband and marry me." That's it! That's all he will say?

"Don't even try to ignore the subject. I will take you down. And I will never marry you!"

"Please do, I want you to take me down. Honey, pretty soon you'll be begging me to marry you." He says very sexually.

I hang up on him, again.

I need to get Delilah's opinion.

Three Minutes Later...

Delilah and I are strolling through the park discussing my morning.

"A- don't look to your left." Delilah warns.

So what do I do? Look to my left. I see a magazine with Kyle sprawled on the front cover. It reads, "HEARTBREAKER KYLE PETERS HAS HAD HIS HEART BROKEN? Read all about how Kyle put his heart in a high school flame." No he didn't. Then it gets worse, on another newer edition Annaliese is on the cover with Kyle photoshopped in. "KYLE PETERS HAS A CHILD FROM OLD HIGH SWEETHEART AND IS SUING FOR PARENTAL RIGHTS?" How did the newspaper know that I was being sued before I di- KYLE!!

"Calm down."

"I'll kill him, Delilah!" I scream.

I run home to plan my next moves.

"Honey?" Zac calls out when I get home.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Mommy!" Before I can process a thought my beautiful daughter comes barreling at my feet. "Guess what? A cute guy started talking to me! He shared his animal crackers, and sang a song to me, and told me I was pretty. I think I've met my husband, Mommy!"

"Sweety, do Mommy a favor and don't rush things like Mommy did," I make her promise.

"I promise, Mommy."

Zac swallows me in a hug and kisses. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Kyle is suing for paternal rights."

Zac's face hardens at the news. "And there is no way that he will back down?"

This inspires a rage of sarcastic laughs. "Only if I divorce you and marry him."

"Not happening."

"You're telling me," I agree.

"I will not let my daughter go, he'll have to kill me. And I'm not letting you go, he'll have to rip my heart out." Zac challenges.

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