Dynamic Change

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Jay's POV

Yeri is reacting just the way I want her to. Normally I would just take her to bed, but something stopped me. I was being too sweet. She was bringing something out in me that I hadn't seen for years. A very long time. She wasn't urging me either as she let out little moans. And that was it. I need to taste her lips.

My lips found hers as soon as they sought for them. When they clashed our bodies relaxed. It was like coming home after such a long time. Yeri clung on to me like her life depended on it and I did the same. And it did feel like my life depended on it. My heart was on the line here. I begged her for entrance and she played with me, but eventually she gave in. She always did. We are locked in an embrace that makes my heart beat so fast.

Her breath is warm as we play with out tongues. Her hands slide up and down my chest, but in the end they settle for my neck. Mine are on the small of her back, pulling her closer towards me. We don't pull away, we don't push harder, we just stay like that. In the middle of the room. Time seems to be standing still as my fingers draw circles on her hips.

After a while I feel her pull back. I want to stay like this some more, but she's calling the shots now.

"I need to get ready for work," she says, out of breath.

"Yeah, me too," I whisper, my voice hoarse from the kissing and excitement.

I lick my lips as I take a step back from her. She sighs and walks past me with her gaze cast down. If only I could read her mind. A penny for her thoughts was nothing, I would give a million.

I follow her into the bedroom and go to the closet to get some clothes. She's being shy as she changes her clothes. I try not to look and give her some privacy. I've been invading her space too much lately. What's even happening to me to wanting to own everything about this girl? 

After we're both done we meet again in the living room. She looks at me with a little smile as she grabs her bag. Then she comes over to me and gives me a peck on the cheek before leaving. My heart actually leaps a little as she does so. Suddenly she's out the door and I run after her to drive her to work. 

"Yeri! I'll drop you off", I tell her and she gives me a grateful smile. 

Things are kind of awkward between us since the kisses have been so sweet. Normally I would've had her against the wall and begging for more, but I don't feel like doing it like that anymore with her. Something in the dynamic has changed. 

She keeps on stealing glances towards me and I try to avoid them as much as possible. I need to think this through before I do something stupid. I try to focus on the road before me. Thank god for light traffic today. 

"Jay?" she suddenly asks and I turn my attention to her. 

"Hm?" I don't trust my voice at all. 

"You just drove past my building", she remarks and I stand on the breaks. Luckily there's no one behind me. This is humiliating enough as it is. I turn the car around and park in front of the building. 

"Mian", I whisper and she gives me a weak smile. 

"It's fine. Get to work safe, okay?" She says before getting out of the car. I nod and she closes the door behind her. 

What the hell is going on with me? Missing her building while trying to focus on driving? What am I even thinking? She must be laughing internally. But her weak smile told me something else. She's as thrown off by this as I am. Why can't I just keep to my own business for once? 

The drive to my office isn't too long. The door to my car shuts and Loco comes rushing out of the building. He has a smug smile on his face I'm dying to punch away. 

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