Attacks in Brussels

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Today something happened to me that I'll never forget. As some of you know I live in Belgium, not too far from Brussels. There were terrorist attacks today, just 10 minutes away from me. It was scary, it still is because everything is still going on..

I want you guys to know that this is not the way we should be living our lives. This is not right. Terrorism is something that should not exist, not here, not in Syria, not anywhere. It scared the living hell out of me to hear that something happened so close to me. All this time I'd been thinking we were safe and here we are.

The feeling I have right now is disgust, fear and disbelief. I can't believe this is what the world has come to. That this is how our lives are going to be. This can not be condoned at all. I'm disgusted by the fact that human lives are lost of something like this. That they have no regard for human life anywhere. And the fear is not for my own life, but the lives of everyone who go through something like this. Not only here, but in Syria, Iran, Iran, Afghanistan, ...

Be safe, wherever you go.


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