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Yeri's POV

As I turn around I see his eyes first. Something about them really always draw mine to his. Then I look at his hand holding mine, not letting go at all. He follows my gaze and let's go immediately. I feel sad and happy at the same time, his warmth is gone. 

"You lost this", he says as he shows me my snapback. I try to take it, but he won't let me by holding it higher and higher. Damn is he tall. 

"Jay, please", I say as I'm really losing my nerve. He unnerves me, unsettles me, makes me feel things I can't possibly feel at all. 

My eyes dart to his again as he holds them captive. Then he lowers his hand and puts the snapback on my head again, like it was back at the club. He strokes away some hair and makes sure it's in the exact same spot. He crunches down a little so he's at my height and nods at the sight. "Perfect." Is all he says as he looks into my eyes. His breath is hot on my cheek as I feel the warmth coming from his body. Then he is gone again, leaving me wanting somehow. 

My voice seems lost when I try to scold him for doing that. But in the end I find it again. "What are you trying to do? I'm not one of the girls at the club you can take home", I say as I turn away, I get anxious under his stare.

"I know. I guess that's why I am here", he whispers. 

I dare not turn around because my cheeks are so hot and red. What is he doing? 

"I have to go home", my feet start walking forward, trying to leave him behind, but my heart is tugging at me. 

"At least let me get you home safely", he follows me. 

And we stay that way. He's one step behind me, not even talking to me as we walk on. My nerves are getting the best of me for sure. I can't trust my voice to ask him something because I am sure it'll tremble. But I feel him all the time, just far enough so he won't touch me, but close enough to feel the warmth coming off him. Since when did a person get to be this warm? My cheeks flush again. 

"Are you seriously not going to talk to me again until you're home?" he asks me out of the blue as he speeds up a little so he is in front of me. He's walking backwards so he can face me. 

"It's not like you were talking", I remark with a light smile. 

"True, but I am now." His famous smile is back. And I can't help but smile along with him. 

"Were you following me?" I suddenly feel the need to ask him. 

"Kind of. I saw you leaving the club", he confesses to me. 

"Turn around, Jay. You'll get hurt if you walk like that." I put my hands on his arms and turn him around. His arms are strong, I can feel the muscles stiffening at the first touch and then relaxing again. He looks at my hands and back to me again, then I let go of him.

"Aw, you're worried about me", he laughs a little. It seems like he's really comfortable. 

I shake my head and walk ahead. "Did you like my friend?" It escapes my mouth before I can think twice. It's really bad of me to be jealous in that way. 

"No, I'm more of a butt man." He smiles as he checks out my behind. It's something I've always been very conscious about but he doesn't seem to mind checking me out. 

"Keep your eyes to yourself." I slap his arm, craving for the physical contact. 

It flatters me in a way, I guess. His eyes travel up my body and nod at me. "That's a nice behind." He doesn't really say it out loud, but I still hear. My ears heat up and I'm sure it's written all over my face. How he makes me feel. 

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