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Yeri's POV

The flight itself is very long and tires me out more than it should. I have my next appointment in two days and I guess I'll be going alone. It still hurts because Jay believed someone over asking me. He's a jerk who doesn't deserve this kind of attention, but still. He's everywhere, I can't stop thinking or dreaming about him. When the plane finally touches down, Soojin is there to pick me up. She's always there for me whenever I need her and she doesn't ask any questions at all. The moment she sees my face, her expression drops. She knows something is up and that it has to do with Jay. Who else could make me look this miserable? 

"Where do you want to go?" she asks me while I get into her car. 

"First Jay's place, then mine. Can you wait for half an hour there?" I ask her and she nods her head immediately. 

"Let's go", she whispers and we drive off in silence. I'm not ready to talk yet, the lump inside my throat is ever present. And this time it's not because I'm sick. "I tried calling you, is your phone off?" 

"Yeah, it's off. There is a certain someone I don't want to talk to..." she gets the picture and stares off in front of her again. 

We arrive at Jay's place in a few minutes since it isn't that far from the airport. I invite Soojin inside, she shouldn't be outside waiting for me all the time. My stuff is packed in no time at all, because I never really unpacked everything. All the things Jay got me are staying anyways. We're in and out in just 15 minutes. 

"What did he do exactly?" Soojin finally asks me as we load my suitcases inside her trunk. 

"He didn't trust or believe in me", I sigh and she cocks up her eyebrow. That's when a flash goes off and we both duck inside the car. "Damn, they saw me leave... This is going to be everywhere in a few hours..." 

"Don't worry about it. It'll be fine", I'm not sure if she's talking about Jay or the picture going viral. And I'm not sure if she knows it either. 

My apartment finally comes into view and I can't wait to open the door for the first time in a month. The room looks just the way I left it back then. Nothing has changed and it has some kind of soothing feeling to it. Soojin helps me unload the suitcases and hauling it up the stairs. Once everything is inside we both collapse on the couch. 

"So, tell me everything in detail", she puts her arm around me while she's ready to listen. 

I tell her everything, from Hoody hitting on Jay low key to the concert. I tell her about how Jay knows absolutely everything about me and how he's been so supportive for the last few weeks. She doesn't seem surprised to hear about that one though. She's kind of mad at Hoody for being a bitch and hugs me after I'm done. This is all I need for now and she knows it. There's a reason why we've been friends for this long. 

"I wonder how many missed calls I have", I laugh without humor. 

"Let's switch on your phone!" Soojin grabs it out of my hold and fires it up. I'm annoyed and want it back. The moment my screen comes to live I get tons of messages. I avert my eyes, I don't want to see it at all. 

"How many?" 

"You have 37 missed calls and 83 messages from Jay. There are some messages from Loco and Simon D. You have Simon's number?" she exclaims and I finally look at her. "You never told me!"

"Do you really think that's the issue right now?" I look at her with disbelief. She switches back to her serious look. 

"I'm sorry, just took me by surprise. Do you want me to read you some of his messages?" She asks and I'm about to shake my head, but she's already reading. "Honey, I don't know why you're not answering me calls. Is everything alright? You left without warning and I can't reach you, you're freaking me out. I love you. Please call me back." 

Fresh Air (Jay Park) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora