Break Free

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Jay's POV

Every time I visit Yeri, her pain gets worse. She tries to hide it as much as she can, but it isn't working anymore. After what Hani told me I started paying attention to how she moved and her expressions. It was all there, clear to see, but I was too pig headed to see it. She was having an immense deal of pain and I didn't even see it. I blame myself so much, she's doing this for me, for us. 

"Yeri?" I ask her as her eyes are still closed after a long amount of time. She's been drained of energy because of the meds. 

"Hmm?" Her eyes barely flutter open as she hums to me in response. 

"Are you sure you want to resume this trial with the new meds?" I ask her, anxious. I want her to keep taking them for all the selfish reasons, but on the other side I want her to stop for herself. 

"Jay, we've been over this", she sighs while turning her head towards me. Her eyes are fully open now, but I can see the bags underneath them. 

"You're suffering, that can't be right", I take her hand in mine and she smiles at the soft gesture. 

"The doctor said there might be some side effects for the first few weeks", she reassures me, but I'm not convinced at all. 

"Consider it, okay? Don't just think about me, but yourself too", I add and it earns me a sweet smile while she closes her eyes again. It's always like this these days. She's tired and always sleeping, not that I blame her at all. It's just hard to look at, to see her like this. It's even worse when it keeps on going for days. What's next? Weeks? I'm not sure if both of us can take that.

I let go of her hand and go outside of the room for a second. I feel locked in when she's not awake. It's been a while since I went to the office, so I call them now and then to check up. 

"Hey, how is she?" Simon answers immediately. 

"She's the same", I sigh and he sighs too on the other end of the line. "How's everything there? Do you need me to come in?" 

"Jay, take your time with Yeri, I'll handle everything here. AOMG will still be standing once she gets better", Simon complains and I keep thing about one word. Once. I don't know how she will get better. 

"Are you 100% sure?" 

"Dude, I am your partner okay? You don't have to everything alone", he whines and I smile a little. I'm just used to doing everything for the rest of them because I like it. 

"Okay, fine. Call me if anything happens", I put down the phone, grateful to have people like Simon around me to help. Hani is on her way in too. We take shifts in staying with her, together with Soojin. This way I can go home, shower and get 2 hours of sleep before Yeri wakes up again. 

"And?" Hani asks when she reaches me with her big bag of stuff for Yeri. Not that she'll need them. 

"The same. I asked her about reconsidering the treatment, but she's so headstrong", I shake my head at Hani and she does the same. 

"That's our Yeri for you", she jokes and turns sad again. Hani is so young, she shouldn't be dealing with any of this. Of course she has Dean by her side, but still. She got time off from work to do this, their boss is so understanding. Apparently she knew about Yeri's condition. 

"I'll be back in 3 hours or so", I tell her and she nods. We both know the routine by now. 

One week later

Yeri's POV

It's been hard on everyone, I can see that, but I'm getting a little better. The meds are finally working and I have some more energy too. Jay hasn't seen me this lively yet since I've been feeling a bit better since this morning. He went home to shower and sleep while Soojin took his place. 

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