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Jay's POV

My head snaps up as she says those words. It strikes me right in the heart. We both sit up and the silence is deafening. I don't know how to react to this. She's special to me, but do I really like her? I don't want to let her down or something like that. But my heart is telling me I like her too.

"I think I like you too", it comes out of my mouth before I can actually think of it.

Her head snaps up to look at me. We're staring again. I can see she's contemplating if this is a good thing or not. That's understandable. We've been pretending these past few days, but now it's real.

"Really?" she's clearly not sure about my confession. Her eyes squint a little as she takes in my expression. I laugh a little at her curiousness.

"Yeah.." I sigh and inch a little closer to her face. "I actually think I've liked you for a while now."

She shakes her head. She seems to be doing that a lot these past few minutes, like she wants to make sure she's not dreaming this. A smile appears on my lips as I watch her think about this. This will have complications for the both of us since I don't know how to deal with real relationships at all. God knows I've been avoiding them my whole life.

"What now?" she asks, clearly beat by my confession.

"I guess we start dating for real now?" I ask her and she smiles a little at the thought of it.

"Do you want that? I mean, you've been single for so long... Are you sure you can give that up?" she tilts her head to the side as the warning in her voice seeps through.

"I think the question is if you can handle the mobs, fans, paparazzi and me taking my shirt off on stage?" I joke, but am kind of serious too. It's just the way I provide fanservice.

"Let me think about this", she says while putting her thumb to her lower lip. She bites her nail a little as she clearly thinks everything over.

I lean back, my hands behind my head, relaxing. Her eyes meet mine in an instant and she shakes her head again. That girl is going to shake her brain out if she keeps it up.

"Yeri?" I say softly.

"I'm sorry. I'm confused", she said while casting her eyes down again.

That's it. I put my fingers under her chin and lift her head. Her eyes meet mine and I keep them there.

"Tell me how you feel. Tell me you don't really want this. Then it's okay. I can go on if you really don't feel like having a relationship with me", I tell her honestly. I'm not sure if I can go on now that I've admitted this to myself.

"I like you. That's how I feel. But there are... complications to this relationship.." she sighs and I pull up my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Her hands go through her hair, like she's trying to tell me something, but can't.

"The you being a star thing... I don't know if I can share..." she grins slightly and I grin too.

"I'm yours alone, promise."

"But everyone will see your body... Not just me..." she whines a little and I laugh out loud.

"Jagi, come on. You know that's only my job..." I try and she smiles too.

"I know, come here", she pulls me closer and kisses me full on the lips. Something in the back of my mind is telling me this isn't all there is to it. But I'll let it slide this time. She can tell me when she's ready for it.

Fresh Air (Jay Park) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora