Chapter 40

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*James' POV*

Layla Vanessa McDaniels was the name of my little sister. My mom had her early because she went into shock when she found out I had been shot. My sister was put back into risk and they had to take her out. She was born on February 20th at 10:23 p.m. I wish I had been awake during that time. It would have been amazing to watch my little sister be born. Unfortunately I was in a coma for a week. I woke up to more terrible news and spend three more days in the hospital healing. My dad later brought us home with Layla. My mom and dad decide on a name that Taylor had once suggested for the baby. And in honor of Taylor, my mom put her middle name on baby Layla as well. So here she was Layla Vanessa McDaniels , two and a half weeks old. I've learned to love her in just the week that I've been with her.

Now I just stay in this house avoiding everyone. I don't want to hear anyone apologize for something they didn't do. Death should be our friend yet it hurts us more then a broken bone or a bullet to the shoulder.  I that I could save people but I was wrong. Now I just want to stay away from everyone. Sadly tomorrow was Sunday and then I would go back to school on Monday. 

There was a knock at the door before my dad stepped in. "How's the baby?" He asked looking at Layla on my bed next to me.

"She's asleep." I said.

"How are you feeling? " He asked.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to be around all those people that claim to be our friends." 

"They need you. You are like a son to them. You have to say goodbye James."

"That's why I don't want to go. This is my best friend we're talking about. I was a jerk."

"You are gonna get up and change because we are going like it or not, pay some respect. I thought I raised a better man." He huffed and walked out of my room. I sighed and looked at a sleeping Layla.

Twenty minutes later I was slipping on my shoes. I guess the guilt was eating me. I couldn't live knowing I didn't say my last goodbye. Another knock came to my door, this time my mom walking in. She smiled although her face said that she was tried. I felt worthless, knowing that only one of my arm's worked and that I couldn't help with the baby much. Beside I had nightmares and I still haven't told her so I wouldn't give her more problems. Sometimes I just wanted her to hug me and tell me things would get better, but then she would be lying because she wouldn't know the future we hold.

"Can I button up your shirt?" She asked. I nodded giving her permission. She came up to me fixing my button up shirt and doing it's button's. "You look better then you have been in days. I want you to know that you're still my baby boy and if you need extra help on anything tell me. This is all to much for you to be alone."

"Thank you. I have a couple things I'm dealing with but nothing I can't handle."

"Nightmares are better taken care of with a glass of warm milk and a hug from mom." I looked at her not very surprised she had figured me out so easily. "I've been hearing you for a couple of nights. When you're not walking around your room, you scream Taylor's name. I want to help. Don't you ever hesitate on asking for it. Layla is a calm baby just like you were."

"I can't sleep. I can't eat. I'm can't do anything! I'm worthless, mother!"

"No. Your not, and don't say that. If you were worthless to me you would have been in that hospital by yourself. But you weren't. You had friends, some classmates, most importantly you had us your family. And yeah, maybe Taylor wasn't there but everyone else was they count."

I hugged my mom, tears falling her shoulder. She hugged me back running my back. "There, there sweetie, let it out. Let all your troubles slip in tears. No one can nor will they judge you."

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