Chapter 9

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*3 weeks later*

~*James' P.O.V *~

Three weeks. It's been three weeks and I can't find her. No one can. Not even Debbie. At first I thought Debbie was hiding her. But one day after so much time searching, she invited me over. Debbie has a two bedroom apartment. One room had nothing at all...

I'm lost. I've become something else. Everyone tells me to rest. But I can't. My brain runs on thoughts of Taylor.

Where is she?
Is she alive?
Is she in town?
Why isn't she being looked for properly?

I just don't get it. Who's parents would let someone as amazing as Taylor go? It's like they couldn't care if she was here or not. Or maybe they do know were she's at.


"Are you even listening?"

"Sorry guys. What's up?" I felt bad for zoning out... Again.

"That's it. You haven't been yourself lately. I know Taylor is gone, boo whoo! We're going to party tonight!" Kyle demanded.

"Yeah bro ,it's Friday, you need to go out, have some fun, have some drinks, and if possible get laid!" Jeremy lightly punched my shoulder.

"Guys, I don't need parties. I need... I need to find her-" I sighed.

"You're fucking whipped! And she doesn't even know it!" Kyle said.

"I am not whipped. I'm just.. A caring person. I mean who knows where she can be? What if something happened to her? How could she just leave!? What if-"

"Dude! Chill, yeah? You totally have to go to the party. Come on we're getting ready." Jeremy cut me off.

"Once again, you sound like a girl." I told him. He didn't say anything back. He just got up along with Kyle and went up to my room.

They spend hours in my closet. Looking through all my clothes. Half of the time they were complaining about how I need to shop for new clothes. I need to be careful, I think one of them is secretly a girl...

Anyway I just put on a white botton up shirt and some dark colored jeans. I figured it would be best if I just went for a while. I'm not much into partying but I think I need it.

This party believe it or not looked crazier than the one I went to last time. The party Taylor was at. When she wasn't hurt and making out with some other chick... Enough, I'm here to stop thinking about her.

It was really crowded. I could barely walk in between people. The air was cloudy, like too many people have been smoking in here. People dancing everywhere. Like that one girl on top of the table was was starting to take her shirt off. I'm sure she was drunk. It seemed that everyone was. It wasn't even that late, 8:30 and everyone was drunk, high, or both.

"Here dude, have a drink." Kyle handed me a can of beer.

"I don't drink-"

"And I don't eat chocolate, who cares drink up, bro!" Either Jeremy was high or he was just stupid. I mean who doesn't eat chocolate? It's super good... He was totally missing out.

I looked at the can of beer in my hand. I have never drank beer before. Last party I went to, they gave me vodka. But not beer. I opened it and took a drink. Which I almost spit back out because let's just say its not good at all. I think I'll stick to other alcohol, like vodka...

"Dude it's beer, don't waste it!" Jeremy shouted over the loud music.

"Drink up and loosen up McDaniels." Kyle said as he scanned the room and left with the girl passing by.

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