Chapter 7

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~*James' P.O.V *~

I dump the things out of my backpack. Searching through everything to fine my pencil sharpener. I needed to finish shading in my drawing for art class.

What I drew was easy. I drew Taylor. She was sitting on the river bank with her  tree in the background. To me this is Taylor. I think she was her real self when we were at the river. The way we played around in the water, splash everywhere. She wasn't cold. She wasn't mean. Or even rude.

I finally found the little sharpener. I was determined to finish today. That way I wouldn't have to worry about it over the weekend.

Today was barley Thursday and I had just gotten home not too long ago. The rain had finally stopped. And I was trying to hurry so I could go see Taylor.

"Oooo, what you drawing there?" My mother asked standing behind me, looking over my shoulder. "Wait! Omg! That's Taylor right!?

"It's for a school project mom."

"So that's what you call it? I think someone has a little something for Taylor... "

"Mom -"

"I'm her boyfriend! " She mimicked me.

"Mom. Please stop. I already got teased by Taylor yesterday. That was embarrassing... And besides I don't sound like that."

"So you do like her...." She raised an eyebrow. "You didn't deny it."

"I don't know mom. She's so confusing. One moment she's cold and stubborn, then the next she's playful and sweet." I put my head down on my hands.

"Sweetie," She put her hand on my back. "You're smart. You want advice, Help her." Her voice soft.

"Help her? How so?" I raised my head to look at her.

"Help her find who she is." She said. "Be there for her when everything she has bottled up, is about to drown her. Save her. Save her from drowning, let her pour some of that water on you."

"Mom. You sound crazy..." I sighed. "She's drowning. Really?"

"You might not understand me now. But when that time comes you'll know." She smiled. "I'm going to make some salad want some?"

"You would go from having a heart to heart conversation to making salad." I laughed. "Uh, but no thanks I'm going to go see Taylor."

"Then you can take some for you and her. Just give me like ten minutes."

"Mom, I don't think Taylor wants your food..." I said.

"But why? Am I that bad of a cook?" She asked sounding sad.

"No, it's not that... It's just she doesn't eat much..." I said remembering how she has never really ate when I'm around.

"Why is she... You know.." She trailed off, cut some lettuce.

"Mom, I have no idea what you're talking about." I said a little confused.

"Boys," She rolled her eyes. "Is she anorexic?" She said straight to the point.

"I.. I don't know, Mom. Maybe she is... Yesterday she was arguing about how, if she ate one of your cookies she would get fat..." I said, my mind going back to yesterday.

"But she isn't fat. In fact she's..... Super skinny..." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe she is anorexic."

"Maybe. Are you almost done?" I asked putting my things away.

"Yeah let me just cut the chicken, then you can be on your way to see your girlfriend. " She smirked.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her. She smiled and shook her head getting back to making the salad.

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