Chapter 26

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~*Taylor's P.O.V*~

He was asleep. I was still in his arms but he was asleep. I couldn't help but to look at his beautiful face. I was expecting for his brown eyes to look into mine.

I knew it. I knew I would feel safe in his arms. They're like a shield. A big protection around me. I feel like no one would touch me or hurt me.

He loves me. I know he does. He has always been so open with what he feels and if he says he loves me, I believe he does.

"I love you too, James." I whispered. I knew he was a asleep it at least I hope he is. I don't want him to hear me. Not yet at least.

"Is it right for me to feel scared?" I whispered again. "Should I feel scared? I don't know what I would do without you. Would I still be living with my parents? Would I ever feel what love really is? Or would I be dead and gone by now? You are the biggest change to my life. The most important one I think."

"Are you talking to me?" James' raspy voice came out of his moving lips.

"It depends how much did you hear?" I asked.

"I heard talking but I didn't understand a word until you said 'you are the biggest change to my life.'" He repeated in a very sleepy voice.

"Yes I was talking to a sleeping angle but you talked and now he's gone." I whispered.

"Are you cheating on me?" He said, his eyes still closed.

"Of course not. I was actually talking to you babe, who else?"

"I dunno. Go back to sleep baby."

I laughed at his cuteness. "It's going to be 7 o'clock babe..."


"You have school baby." My hand gazed over his jaw bone.

He groaned. "I love you."

"That isn't going to let you stay here. As much as I would really like that, I don't want to bring you down. I want you to keep your grades up and not screw up like me."

"So motivating baby." He finally opened his eyes. He hugged me tighter and gave my cheek a kiss. "I'm going to change I'll be back."  He hopped over me and grabbed the clothes I had cleaned from last time he was here. He left the room and went to the bathroom.

It was quiet. Very quiet actually. I wonder if Debbie was here or not. I can't remember if she had something to do or not. I still got up and put my slippers on. I know it was early and I didn't have school but I didn't like to be alone in my room. So I was going to the living room to watch TV, and eat something before I faint.

I walked down the long dark hall and to the living room. I turned on the TV so it wouldn't be so quiet. I needed some sound in here.

There was a loud thud coming from the hall. I put the TV on mute and listened. There was a grunt before I could here glass being shattered. "James?"

I walked down the hall slowly. I could hear more sounds. It sounded like people pushing each other or fighting. "James?" I called again. The sounds were coming out of the bathroom.

The door banged opened and a dark figured walked out. He let out an evil laugh. In his right hand he held what looked like a piece of broken mirror.


I took a step back and Fred came a step forward. My heart was beating faster than ever. I turned around and ran down the long hall, that seemed to never end. I looked behind me and Fred was running after me. I kept running but it felt as if I wasn't going anywhere.

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