Chapter 16

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~*Taylor's P.O.V *~

About half an hour later of silence and I was starting to feel bad. I mean James lied to me about never having a girlfriend but I, I've lied about many other things.

And I still am. There's just things he can't know about.

The radio was on lowly in the background. By the way James' was acting, I think he was scared or worried. He would look at me every minute before looking out the window. His right leg was shaking and he was picking at his finger nails.

"I'm sorry!" He cracked.

"For what?" I faked confusion. I feel bad for acting like this. I'm going to have to lie again.

"I don't know! You just look mad! And you won't talk to me! I don't know what I did but I'm so sorry! You're silence is eating me alive! Please tell me what I did Princess. I'll swear to never do it again! I don't like it when your mad. You have a little wrinkle on your forehead that gives you away."

"I'm not mad. I just don't want to talk. You know I'm quiet most of the time." I lied.

"But-but the wrinkle... Taylor don't lie to me." Oh now I'm Taylor.

"I'm not." I faked a smile. "But I like that you pay close attention to my face."

"Well I have always."

"Really?" I asked. We were moving away from the subject. Just like I wanted.

"Yeah, ever since we were little. I have always wanted to be your friend but I was just to shy."

"That's funny because you're friends with like everyone. It's easy for you to make friends. I think that's why I didn't like you.."

"That is funny. I was only shy to go up to you, though. And when we entered high school you just shut everyone out. I thought someone was bulling you again. But when I asked some girls about it all they said was, 'Why would anyone want to bully her, she is like goals, skinny and beautiful.' " He totally ignored what I said of not liking him.

"Skinny and beautiful? Now you're making things up." I said while trying to focus on the road.

"I'm not making things up.. Pull over."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

I raised an eyebrow at the sound of his voice. It was so demanding. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road. I put my car on park and turned it off.

"Look at me." He said seriously.

I looked at him.

"You are beautiful... I've had the longest crush on you. Ever since we were little kids. And thanks to an art project we were partnered up. And now you're my girlfriend. I like you for you. You don't have to worry about your weight, because I honestly think you're beautiful either way. Keep being yourself and don't care about what other people think."

"You've had a crush on me? Ever since we were little?"

"Is that all you heared from what I said?" He gave me his usual smile.

"No I heard it all. Now answer me."

"Yes Princess, I've always liked you."

"But I was bullied for being fat when we were little. Why would you have a crush on me?"

"You were and still are cute. Don't cry Princess."

"I'm not going to cry. I just... I hate talking about my past and brings bad memories."

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