Chapter 38

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~*James POV*~

This was it. Our footprints left behind in the blanket of snow below us. The cabin was just up three minutes. I was freaking out but I had to look calm. Mr. Ryan had told his to stay calm. We couldn't let any of them get to our heads. The police had the place surrounded. We couldn't see them but the could see us. And I just wondered if they even cared for our protection and our life's.

"Watch your surroundings. We can't be to sure of anything." Mr. Ryan said as we turned into the path made by tires that led to the cabin. We walked slower and slower the closer we got to the house. We took our time. It was a small cabin and you couldn't see anything from the outside. It was so dark, it almost looked like there was nobody home.

We stopped right in front of the cabin door. Mr. Ryan stepped forward and the door opened just a crack. He looked back at us before he pushed the door open and stepped inside. Kyle went after him. Jeremy gave me a nod telling me to go. I stepped into the dark cabin. Its hard to see with the only light coming from the outside. The door slammed shut and we were left in darkness for a couple of seconds before the lights went on.

Standing in front of the door was Fred. I guess he was the one who closed it. In between Mr. Ryan and Kyle stood Carmen. I looked at Jeremy who was close to Fred. His eyes signaled me to look behind me.

It was Eric, standing there with a smirk on his scratched up face. Next thing I know I'm struggling for air as he holds me by my neck to the wall. I try to kick at him but he only slammed me to the wall again.

"Stop!" A voice begged.

"Okay Eric that's enough." Eric obeyed the command and I fell to the floor. I rested against the wall trying to catch my breath. My lungs were burning like I had been running for hours.

"You see John..." Fred stepped forward. "I said no police. And that's the first thing you let surround the cabin."

"There are no police." Mr. Ryan said.

"I'm not stupid. You must think I'm stupid. Do you think I'm stupid, John?" Mr. Ryan just looked at him without an answer. "Eric."

There it was. A kick to my side. Just when I starting to breathe normally I get kicked. Eric sure hated me.

"Answer me John or your toy gets it." Fred said.

"I don't think you're stupid." Mr. Ryan told him.

"Right. Eric tie him up." Fred commanded. I saw he meant to tie me up. I tired to move away but he grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me back. He pushed me to the wall and grabbed me hands behind me. I tried to move but he only pulled my arms back more. I felt like I had no choice and let him tie my hands behind my back.

"Now man, follow me." Fred walked to a doorway. He stopped and turned around. "Ah, try anything at all and that lovely lady behind you won't hesitate to slash your throat. So keep all hands to yourself." Behind Fred walked Mr. Ryan, Kyle, Jeremy, Carmen, and then me and Eric. "Watch your step." Fred said.

We entered a hall and he opened a door. It was dim and you couldn't see much. As I was pushed to the doorway, I saw the steps that led to the basement.

We all stopped in front of a sleeping Taylor. She was tied to a chair. She had scratches on her face as well.

"She put up a good fight." Fred stepped next to her. "She had a pencil in her sock... Now against the wall. It will be a quick search." He said.

Mr. Ryan, Kyle, and Jeremy faced forward, against the wall. Carmen went up behind Mr. Ryan. Eric pulled at my hands getting my attention. He sat me down in a corner and chained me to the pole from my leg.

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