Chapter 25

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~* James' P.O.V *~

I can't believe this. Monday morning and Taylor hasn't talked to me since Saturday when she told me she would see me some other time. It's like she's mad at me and is ignoring me. I still can't figure if I did something wrong.

We also lost the soccer game. I had to much on my mind and they ended up scoring 2. And we only scored 1. So much for luck... We were supposed to be undefeated this season. Me and the guys play for the city's soccer league not the school's that why we play on Saturdays.

"Dude, the bell just rang. 1st period starts in 7 minutes." Kyle reminded me that I was at school.

"Yeah I'll see you at break..." I headed towards my art classroom. Taylor has this class me. We usually sit together but I'm not so sure of today, after all she is very unpredictable.

Mrs. Jones stood at the door greeting each student as we went in her class. I took my normal seat in the back and watched as people came in the class but none of them was Taylor.

"Alright class, as you all know we have 3 weeks till winter break, how fun is that?... I have an understanding that most seniors need help with their volunteer hours. The Arts Festival will be this Friday -"

The door opened and in came a guy with slips of papers in one hand. He got the pink one from the top of the bunch and gave it to Mrs. Jones. She looked at it and then around the room.

"I'm sorry she's not here-" the door opened again and in stepped Taylor. "Never mind, thank you." Mrs. Jones told the boy and he left. She gave the slip to Taylor. Taylor looked a little lost and read the the slip. Her brows furrowed and she shook her head slightly, barely noticeable.

"Fuck my life..." She huffed. Mrs. Jones just looked at her but didn't say a word. She was used to Taylor's profanity. Taylor's eyes met mine. She crushed the paper and shoved it in her jean's pocket. She broke eye contact with me and stormed out of the room.

"Okay, class sorry for that, as I was saying the Arts Festival will be this Friday if you help for 4 hours or more I will give you my signature. If you're interested please sign up today, you guys are my most advanced class and I would appreciate the help..." Mrs. Jones carried on with the class. I was itching to run after Taylor. But I'm sure I would get in deep trouble.


~* Taylor's P.O.V *~

Student's Pass to Attendance Office for:

Taylor V. Ryan

Room 1403

Period 1

Please go: Immediately

I was actually surprised I was being called to the attendance office. I'm usually being called by my counselor to talk about my grades... But never just to the attendance.

I made it to the attendance office. I was kinda confused on where I had to go after all the attendance office was a combinations of offices. It had the counselor's offices and assist principal's office and physiologest's office and of course the lady's that work all the attendance stuff....

I went to the front desk, which is where the first of the attendance staff worked at. "Um, excuse me, ma'am?"

"Yes?" She smiled up at me.

"I got called up here... " I showed her the crumbled note.

"Oh, Taylor, yes you have a visitor. She just wants to talk to you." She pointed over to the side. My eyes followed her finger.

Oh great....

"What if I don't want to talk to her..." I said.

"She has a pass form the city's law frim, I think it may be important. Just use the empty office to her right and when you're finished with your chat come to me and I'll give you a pass to your class."

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