"You're wasting your life!" Shiloh cried.

"By not getting drunk and grinding against random people I don't know before heading to a random room, well, if we're lucky enough for it to be a room, to do the dirty and possibly – actually probably get an STI I haven't even heard of?" I asked.

"'Do the dirty'?" Jordan stared at me like I was some type of alien, "Are you guys sure he's male? Are you sure he's even human? Because I'm not." he said to our friends.

"Neither are we." Claire shook her head. She didn't sound like she was joking.

"And we're highly starting to doubt it." I kissed my teeth frowning at my friends, "See you later, Jordan. Enjoy your weekend of solitude, Alex." Shiloh patted my back before Claire hugged me saying her goodbye. I greeted them before Jordan and I left.

We lived in a two-bedroom apartment not that far from our college. He worked in sales to pay his half of the rent, even though his father offered to pay it for him (Jordan would always say something about being 'independent') while I used the money I had inherited from my parents after they got killed. I would work but I wanted to focus solely on school.

The ride home consisted of him relaying stories about basketball practice and trying, unsuccessfully, to convince me to join them at James'.

When we got home, I went straight to my room and threw most of my clothes off leaving me in just my boxers before I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge along with the last bag of cheese puffs from the cupboard before I walked out and walked towards Jordan's room.

"How do I look?" I rolled my eyes before I ran them over him. He was a little bit bulkier than I was; his blue and black shirt clung to him a little. He wore a black jean and high-top sneakers.

"Honestly? The same as always." I admitted.

"Alex." He frowned at me. I chuckled.

"Woman won't be able to keep their clothes on when they look at you." I almost rolled my eyes as I said that.

"That doesn't help, I know they won't." He said. We laughed as he grabbed his car keys, "Don't have too much fun." He gave me a blank stare, his voice laced in sarcasm.

"I'll try not to." I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"Alex, you really ought to get out more. I'm serious, I'm worried about you." He looked concerned, "Don't expect me back tonight." He smirked and left.

I turned and made my way back to the kitchen finishing what was left of the puffs in the bag. I was still starving... I looked through the cupboards cursing silently at the fact that Jordan and I had been too busy (and lazy) to actually buy any groceries. I knew I would be too lazy to cook right now anyway.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after five. I would just order something in a few minutes. I went upstairs and sorted my books out before I decided to just read over the assignment I had gotten earlier.

What I thought would be a few minutes later resulted in being a few hours, and the only reason I stopped doing work was because my head was starting to ache because of my hunger.

It was almost eight when I gave in to my hunger and dropped my pen. I got dressed into what I had been wearing earlier and pulled a jacket over it because it looked windy outside.

The store was a fifteen minute walk away from my apartment and it closed at nine. I left shoving my phone into my pocket as I walked along the side walk. I pulled the box of cigarettes from my pocket and lit one. It was a bad habit I picked up after my parents died and I began stealing cigarettes from our gardener because it relieved me a little. According to my friends I had quit smoking a while ago. I only had one now and again so it wasn't that bad of an addiction.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now