Character Info

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Hinata Akiyama



November 30th

She likes English, Art, History

She loves Spicy foods, rice, Caramel mocha cake, anything Italian

Weight: nope


Hinata has icy blue eyes and straight brown hair. In certain light it has a little blonde, reddish hint to it. She has bangs and her hair is right above her belly.

She particularly enjoys learning history. She thinks learning English will help her later in life, which it will. She also enjoys the weird words, like cheese. Art is one of her favorites too. It helped her relieve the pain that she has experienced. Her favorite color is light pink. But hot pink disgusts her.

She wishes to dye her hair again but like most of us, she doesn't want to ruin her hair.

Hinata loves spicy food. And chicken. Lots of it. Tell her to be a vegetarian and she'll laugh at you. A lot.
Kay sorry for all the shit. I just really like writing and stuff.

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