ΩChapter TwentyΩ

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Tamaki's POV

"Damn it, Kyoya shut up! The pills hurt me! Everything aches! Don't you understand you money grubber?" Hinata said. Clenching her fists. She got up.

"Be quiet poor little rich girl." Kyoya said. This can't end well.

I went to Kyoya. "Kyoya, we don't want to be kicked out like last time--"

"Shut up." Kyoya elbowed me. I grabbed my stomach. Ouch.

Hinata grabbed the pills, almost crying. She threw them down and stomped on them. Then she grabbed a glass of water from Mori senpai, who looked pretty confused when she did, and splashed it on Kyoya's face. I was about to laugh but I saw both Hinata and Kyoya's faces.

"Damn you." she said, and walked away. The twins kept saying and over,damn. I wanted to slap them, but I do not want to get kicked out like last time.
Yes?" Kyoya asked. He opened the door.

I walked in and sat straight onto the couch. "That was some show." He can't get rid of me.

"Where the hell is she?"

"I don't know. The better question is, why are using her? Even though she clearly told you and well all of us that she hates it."

He paused. "My father told me to."

I nodded. "Do you like doing this?"

"No. I do not. At first thats all it revolved around. The feeling of betraying her went away. Then it came back when my father said I don't have to anymore. And this morning he said I need to use her again."

"Do you love her?" I asked. It was so obvious.

He paused again. I paused every five seconds asking, Do you?

  I mean I know I was being a bit annoying but I needed to know.

He slammed his fist on the coffee table and grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Dammit, Tamaki! Shut the hell up!"

"You've been pushing how you really feel down. You need to talk it out." I looked at him, not smiling. No charm.

Well yes charm. I'm always charming no matter what.

"Yes...I do love her. Damn I don't know!" He said, dropping me, and making quite a loud thunk. I saw Kyoya rubbing his temples.

"That means yes."

I got up and walked out.
I got a text from Hinata.

"Can you pick me up at this address? I'm a little lost." And there was an address.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! I found out where Hinata is. Make sure you give them me and Kyoya's order!" I said. Hikaru and Kaoru nodded and saluted. "Yes sir!"
I found the coffee shop. I ran into the coffee shop. "Found you."

I ran to Hinata and sat beside her. She was sipping coffee and eating cookies.

"I'm not going to text Kyoya till we sort this out." I said.

"Then might as well be here forever."

"It doesn't hurt to talk a little."

She looked at me and the looked down.

She started crying and talking.

If only I could curse in French, but alas, this girls has smarts as much as she has beauty.

"You know? Kyoya was there and now...I don't know. What are we? And seeing him like this...can't he see my side? I didn't ask to be a model. My mom never asked for permission. He knows my cousins might get the business's. He knows I was an accident child--"


"Yes. Ten monthes after my parents started dating I was born. One month was dating and nine was finding out she was pregnant, and sorting this situation."

"You aren't an accident. Probably first thing they thought when seeing you was, I love her. And I would give her a thousand roses." I tilted his head and smiled. She definitely isn't an accident. Her purpose was to make Kyoya happy and forget everything.

"...Thank you Tamaki. That made me feel good."

"Now should we get Kyoya?"

She nodded.

I was going to add he was looking all over, but hopefully he will show that.

I texted him the address and five minutes later he ran in. "Hinata, you idiot! Where the hell were you?"

Hinata swiftly got up. She ran to Kyoya and hugged him. Kyoya looked at me. I smiled and winked. Its up to you guys.

And he hugged her back.

"I love you, idiot." Hinata said.

Kyoya looked a little stunned. "I...love you too."

Honey senpai's POV

"I hope Hina chan is okay." I said. Maybe later she will share cake with me.

"Tamaki can help them." Takashi said.

"Yeah. He was helping us by inviting us in the host club." I said.

"Its time to go, you guys." Hikaru and Kaoru said, peeking in.

"Shouldn't we help find her?" I asked.

"Kyoya doesn't want us to." Kaoru said.

"Yeah. The boss too. The boss is coming with us, but he said to leave it to Kyoya." Hikaru continued.

"Thats smart of him." Takashi said. I nodded.

I pushed them both out of the room. "Now come on! No need to worry!"

Hikaru's POV

"Poor Kyoya senpai." I said. I put on a sweater. For Halloween season, its so cold in the U.S.

"Yeah. Maybe we should go find her." Kaoru said.

"Don't." Tamaki said.

"Why?" We asked.

"Because." He said. We bonked him on the head.

"That was a terrible reason." We said.

"I wasn't done, you idiots." He rubbed his head. "Kyoya said no. We should probably go to the teahouse now."

Kaoru and I shrugged.
A/n: so that was hikaru, honey and tamaki's pov. Maybe ill do more of these.
Right after im done with this story im publishing all the chapters i wrote so far for the new ohshc fan fiction
Dont forget to vote for my story in the ohshcwattyawards under the kyoya catagory!

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