Author's Note

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Hi guys!

I really enjoyed writing about Kyoya and Hinata. I think we could all relate to Hinata. Thinking we aren't good enough. Thinking everyone hates us. You are very lucky if you haven't experienced such things.

I hope we all have friends that help eachother out. I hope we all have a relationship like Kyoya and Hinata. Joking around, fun.

I hope we all can have friends like us like the host club.

So cheers. To finding friends like the host club.

I would love to thank muchfansogirl for being my favorite burgie and hearing me rant about I don't even know what. My favorite Kyoya roleplayer. Sexual Squad baby. Sexual squad.

Grinning-Cheshire for introducing me to the Ouran Book Club. ((And being fun to talk with))
BookClubFanatics is where you can find amazing Anime Book clubs, contests and you can connect with other fanfiction writers.

I will be publishing updates about things here. Like if I entered awards or if I published a new fan fiction

If I come up with other story ideas for this fanfiction I will publish them, saying what chapter it takes place. I doubt I will come up with anything up.

I hope you will all read all my other fanfictions! That would mean so much.

Any questions? Please comment!

Thank you all who read this! I enjoyed writing this and trying to discover Kyoya Ootori.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you!

And don't forget,
Kiss Kiss Fall In Love!

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