ΩChapter Five: Kyoya's POVΩ

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Kyoya's POV:
Book of secrets:
Hobbies: Cosplay, I can tell you that much. Fashion?
Scene: the dining room in the beach. The host club sits silently.

What was that back there? And before that at the beach? We were having fun did I ruin it? I don't know. I felt like everyone started having feelimgs towards her.

Is that it? Jealousy? Its like Tamaki, he wants to save Haruhi for himself. Yet he is oblivious towards it. I on the other hand....

"So! How are you enjoying Ouran, Hina chan?"Honey senpai asked her.

"Oh its really good here! Especially with you guys! I'm really shy at first if its a new school, so it would've taken me weeks to finally say hello to someone!" Hinata said.

"But why did you warm up to us so quickly?" Tamaki asked.

"Well first, Kyoya my first friend I've ever made was there and second I couldnt just stand in front of you guys like a hopeless idiot. I mustered up courage and went in there! I really don't want to look like an idiot." She said.

"Yeah, you don't want to go looking like the boss!" Hikaru said. Hinata giggled. I like that giggle.

"Are you saying I look like a hopeless idiot?" Tamaki asked, looking angry and embarresed.

"Tamaki, we aren't calling you an idiot we love you!" Hinata said

"You sure he isn't an idiot?" Kaoru asked.

"I said we aren't calling him one. To his face. Doesn't mean he isn't one." Hinata said. Tamaki went to his emo corner and Hinata high fived Hikaru, Kaoru and Haruhi.

"Aw. Tamaki! Come back! We love our king and you know it!" Hinata said smiling.

"King? Well in thay case!" Tamaki rose up and sat in his chair. He smiled. He really is an idiot. She did know how to cheer him up. Know what people need. Like that hug-

Kyoya. She is just a friend for family business. Do not get too attached.

For an hour we were all talking. I'm not sure about what but Tamaki kept heading into the emo corner. Finally Hinata gave him a hug. "C'mon! Be a brave daddy!" She said.

Don't they realize how wrong that sounds?

Tamaki waved his fist in the air. "I am already a brave daddy!" He yelled.

"C'mon then. Whats for lunch?" Hinata askes. Her eyes were a striking blue. Icy blue. They had long lashes and--

"Kyoya? You awake?" Hinata asked. She tilted her head.

I nodded. "I just ordered some takeout. I laid it out so you can take whatever."

Everybody was in and out in one minute. It took Hinata five minutes and she came out with two plates stacked up high.

"Hinata. Why didn't you just bring a whole platter to yourself?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well I need food diversity. Besides thats not enough!" She said completely oblivious to my sarcasm. And for someone who uses it all the time.

Everyone laughed even Mori senpai grunted. "Hina chan you sure know how to put a smile on someones face. How do you do it?" Honey senpai said. Mori senpai nodded in agreement.

She looked up from her plate her cheeks full. Like a chipmunk. Her eyes wide, her chopsticks on the way down for more. Everyone laughed more. She swallowed quickly and her face burned. The twins kept laughing. "That face! Was priceless! Where was my camera!" They kept saying. They haven't laughed this hard since the Zuka club said the name of the club.

"I'm going to the bathroom." she said. She grabbed one of her plates and walked away. Everyone was silent after she left.

"Gee we are really sorry." Kaoru said.

"Even though that face."Hikaru said.

"Hinata just has body image issues. As you heard earlier she said she hated her body but now she likes it. I guess the tiniest of things still set her off. Excuse me." I said. I wiped my mouth with my napkin and walked away hearing Hikaru say, "Geez we had no idea."

The tiniest of hints Hikaru. Thats all you miss.

I opened the door to her room with her in a sports bra and extremely short biker shorts. Hinata was on her bed sitting like a child in story time. Criss cross, applesauce. She was staring at the mirror and then at me. I quickly shut the door, understanding how she felt last night.

"Kyoya you can come in for goodness sakes." she said. I silently and slowly walked in. I felt my face go hot. Business calls, Kyoya.

"Sorry. I'm such a freak." She said burying her hands in her face. Oh your much more than a freak. More special.

Kyoya. This is business its a plan. Don't think like this.

"I should be saying sorry. And well the twins too. They were unaware." I said smiling.

"They really need to listen to people. Didn't they hear me earlier?" she said looking at me.

"They are both idiots, so they forgot." I said, pushing up my glasses. She swiped her bangs and grabbed her plate and put some food in her mouth. She swallowed and smiled warily.

"You know you guys are amazing, especially you Kyoya,--" pang "and I would never ditch you guys over that." she said. Hinata stared into my eyes. We both somehow leaned closer and closer and--

"Hina chan!" Honey senpai wailed barging in. We snapped away. He hugged Hinata tight. "We are really sorry!"he said crying. "Forgive us!!"

She hugged Honey senpai back smiling. "Aw Honey senpai! I love you and forgive you." She pointed her fingers at Hikaru and Kaoru. "Its just them two idiots!"

"Hey!" They said then stopped. "We're sorry, Hinata senpai." Hinata smiled, dimples and all.

"I forgive you, you little dorks!" she said.

"Hey! Who you calling dorks!" They complained.

"But quick question. Can you get out? Like now?" she said. We all gasped, except me and Mori senpai, of course.

  Because apparently we are emotionless assho--

  Admin: Kyoya. Get back to the damn fan fiction

  Kyoya: Fine. Carry on.

"Hinata! Don't hate us! Please! Stay with the host club!" Tamaki said, heart broken.

Hinata laughed. "No, no, no! I'm just in my bra at the moment and I would like to be in peace."

Everyone turned white except Haruhi who had the word perverts coming out of her mouth every two seconds. Hinata waved good bye and we all left.

"Kyoya. Stay please?" She asked. She smiled. I love that smile. I can't take it. I leaned in quickly and gave her a long kiss. I let go, and she looked stunned. Then finally, she smiled. "Nevermind."
Book of secrets:
Talents: she is a good kisser, I can tell you that much.

I closed my black binder and smiled.

Authors note:
Oof sorry its not so exciting and i updated so late
I didnt write on saturday or friday so it completely threw me off
Sorry! I love you!
Misa_Misa_XX gets a shoutout for being awesome and commenting! Check out her OHSHC fanfiction as well:Blinded
4/2/16 cringing at this chapter and my life and this authors note is just cringey except the shoutout because blinded is the shit

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