ΩChapter Nine: Kyoya's POVΩ

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Book of secrets:
Relationship status: Well I got her to go with me. All though I'm not sure what its for. Date? Business? I wasn't exactly thinking when I asked.

Kyoya's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror. A dark blue v neck t-shirt with light blue stripes, a black track suit sweater and black jeans. I sighed. Why did I even ask her out? The things I do for my father.

I sighed and was about to leave my room. "Stop looking through my drawers." I sighed. My sister looked at me, surprised.

"I'm not looking through its just you have so much stuff in here!! Besides, I want to be an even better housewife." Fuyumi said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Have fun dealing with father." I heared her sigh as I left and went outside to where the car was. I opened the door and found Hinata there.

"I thought we were picking you up." I said, a bit stunned. She smiled. Her white shirt and light blue pants really brought out her skin and eyes. I stared at her.

"You look amazing." I whispered. I covered my mouth hoping she didn't hear me.

"Huh? Oh well you said I would be picked up at seven and at seven I found the car." she said. We started moving.

"How do you know it wasn't a murderer?" I said, a bit annoyed. She is such a fool.

"What? Me and Hiro are bros! Right?" She said, directing her question towards Hiro. He nodded.

"Still. Your such an idiot. " I said. I was a bit annoyed at her for being so foolish.

"Just shut up Kyoya. I don't want to be here if your going to be pissed. I trust Hiro I know it was him. I would've called or something otherwise." Hinata said, burning red. She seemed angry.

"Sorry. I was just a little....worried." I whispered the last word. She looked at me with a stern look. Then she nodded. Then laughed. "Okay! I can't be mad at you Kyoya! You are so sweet!"

I blushed just a bit.

We got to the restaurant that I knew she liked. Not too formal, not too casual.

"Oh wow. I haven't been to this place since my birthday a few years ago!" She said, her smile so big.

Scene: The same resturant, in a private party room. Its Hinata's birthday. Her mother was there though her father is away on business. Her cousin and close friend is there. Kyoya is there. And two more acquaintances, one of them are Kyoya's cousin

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Hinataaaaa! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. Hinata smiled, wearing a fake pink crown. She wore a black dress and her short pink hair was growing a bit. You can see a few inches of her natural hair color at the top.

"Hee! I love you all! Thank you for coming on my birthday!" She said, her grin ear to ear. Then she looked serious. "And father. Even though you aren't here. I love you. And thanks for giving me all I need. You and mom are the best!" her smile returned. I had wished that I was able to show such gratitude, even if I didn't mean it all.

I returned home a bit late that night. "Kyoya." I heard my father say.

"Yes father."I smiled and tilted my head.

"If you want to surpass your brothers then you must not let childish birthday parties get in the way. Understood? Its bad enough you actually like such childish things."

"Yes father. I understand father." I said. I returned to my room.

The next year I declined her invite. On her birthday, a few days after mine, November 30th, I silently wished her happy birthday.
I shook my head and the memory along with it.

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