ΩChapter Thirty: Kyoya's POVΩ

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Kyoya's POV

It is after winter break.

Hinata was sitting next to me in class. She has too. Tamaki is on her other side.

Tamaki talked to me during lunch break.

"I visited her."

"Yeah?" I asked. I wrote in my black notebook.

"Her plates were full of food....and all I saw was an empty box of ice cream."

I smiled. "Ice cream?"

"Do you want to talk to me? Dad is always here for you!" Tamaki had said.

"No." I got up and walked away, waving my hand.

"Its fine. You can drop it Tamaki."

Tamaki kept smiling at Hinata. She went from robot to someone in hysterics. But she's back to robot.

Hinata glanced at him every now and then, flashing a smile. A small one, nothing compared to her real smile.

At one point the teacher called on her. "Miss Akiyama. Maybe you can tell me the answer."

"Nothing to say." she answered, quietly.

"Excuse me?"

"May I excuse myself?"

The teacher sighed. "Five minutes."

Once she left I raised my hand.

"If I say the answer am I able to go to the restroom?" I asked. The teacher nodded.

A minute later I was running to Hinata. "Hinata."


I grabbed her shoulder. She turned, grabbed it and pushed it down. "What?" She asked.

"Can we just discuss this?" I asked.

"No. I don't want to."

"Your a child, Hinata." I said, crossing my arms.

"I may be a child. But at least I didn't trick a girl for a long time." She said, looking down.

"It wasn't a trick for the last half." I said.

"Still, Kyoya!? I thought you loved me! God, I love you!" She said, tears in her eyes.

Hinata didn't even say I loved you. She said I love you.

I looked down, and pushed up my glasses. "I love you too."

"Tell me that when I want to hear it. I just...want be alone. For now."

"For now? Or forever?" I asked.

"I....I...I don't know." She said, walking away.

"Why did you look Hinata? Are you that nosy person nobody likes? Are you always picking in peoples business? Unlike your mother and father, who don't even bother to ask you about school. I would rather have parents who are nosy then parents who don't give a shit about me--"

  "Shut up about my parents!" She yelled. The back of her neck turned red.

  "Why Hinata? You ruined everything!"

  "Shut up! It was ruined from the start!" She yelled. "You destroyed this relationship before I even walked into Music Room Three."

  "Why did you look?" I asked, clenching my fists.

She stopped suddenly. "Why did I look?" She turned around.

  Tears were streaming down her face. She was red. I knew she turned that way when she was either very mad or very upset. Or both. I also noticed that there was no extra accessories like she usually wears.

"How do you know it wasn't a yearbook?" I asked. I shouldn't have said what I said before.

"It would be in order? I wasn't even here last year?" Hinata said. "How oblivious do you think I am?"

I was about to answer.

"Come on Kyoya! I was bound to find out that this was fake! You thought you can use me! What? Answer me Kyoya. I want to know what went through your mind when you asked me to visit Music Room three? I want to know your book of secrets inside and out. Tell me everything. Tell me everything you kept from me. Everything you know about me. Everything you wrote about me. About my father. My mother. My careless parents. See if I give a shit!"

And with that Hinata ran away.

Once she was gone, I heard, "Jeez, what happened?"

Hikaru and Kaoru. They walked up to me.

"Nothing." I said.

"We know somethings up." They said.

"She saw your book of secrets--er black notebook" Kaoru said

"Don't you have class?"I asked.

"Don't you?" The twins asked.

"So she saw it." Hikaru said.

"What if she did?"

"Damn Kyoya senpai. Hinata senpai saw the black notebook?" Hikaru asked.

"Poor girl...I feel a little bad for her." Kaoru said.
"Wheres Hina chan?" Honey senpai asked. I twitched a little.

"She might not come for a while." Tamaki answered.

"Oh. Thats too bad." Honey senpai said.

"It is too bad." Haruhi said. She looked up at me and smiled sympathetically.

I took out my phone and checked out Hinata's social media. I pressed on a photo that was uploaded today.

In many languages it said something. Around twenty languages. I was stunned.

Then finally it said, I thought I was in love until I fell out of a trance.

I dropped my phone and walked out of music room three.
The end
Im kinda sad the stories winding dowm
There will be around five chapters going into the future after the next couple chapters and then the end
Thanks for reading loves

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