"We'll do it all, everything. On our own. We don't need anything, or anyone."

He has an angelic voice that can soothe anyone's feelings.

"If I lay here, if I just lay here. Would lie with me and just forget the world."

"Hey, uhm.. Zayn?" I said quietly, interrupting him.

"Hmmm?" He hummed, looking down at me.

"I really like you. You understand me like no one else can."

"it's because I care about you. I really do." He explained.

I lifted myself up from him and leaned on my forearm, looking at him. I rested my other arm on his chest for balance.

"It's been a while since anyone but Ed made me feel like this... I lost everyone ever since....." I stopped because it was too painful thinking about it. I laid back down on his chest as I felt the rising and dropping of it.

"Since what Emily?" He asked.

He has to find out someday anyway.

"Since Max.. my... ex..." I shakily said. He kept silent as he started rubbing my back in circles.

"I've never been this open to someone... there's just something about you.... something I can.... Trust." I contemplated quietly.

"Have you noticed any difference ever since you started trusting me?" He smiled.

"What do you mean?" I frowned in confusion.

"The voices.. figures.. cuts.. anything?"

My lips formed an o as I looked up at him again. "I barely hear the voice nowadays! A-and the cuts, they never appear anymore!"

"You're on your way to recovery babe. Just hang on." He stated as he kissed the top of my head.

What he said got me all excited. He really is fixing me. I'm about to finally get free from everything and live a normal life! It's Zayn. He's the one I needed. He's the one my parents told me about in my dreams.


"Where am I? Am I dead?" I asked as I kept walking in this very strange place. It's all white and cloudy.

"Sweetie." A calming voice called out from behind me. I turned around,

"MOM! DAD!" I screamed as I ran towards them.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing to yourself?!" They frowned down at me as they hugged me.

"I wanna be with you guys." I sniffed.

"Emily, Sweetheart. If you kill yourself, you're gonna end up somewhere else. Somewhere dark and somewhere where there's eternal pain. I don't want that for you hun." Dad sighed.

"W-what?" I stuttered "The voices in my head said we'll be together."

"Don't listen to them! NEVER listen to them. Listen to your heart baby." Mom said as she caressed my cheek.

"You'll find someone who'll save you someday. Just hang on." Dad smiled weakly.

"Think about your cousin, Edward. What would Ed feel if you kill yourself?" She said.

She was right. I was being selfish, Suicide IS a sin. Whatever voice is in my head is lying to me.

"A-am I gonna be saved? Am I gonna be normal again?" I sobbed.

"Yes hunny." She said as their figures started to fade slowly.

"MOM!? DAD?!" I panicked.

"We're running out of time hun. You need to go back to Ed now. Hang on." Dad smiled as they totally disappeared like dust.

"NO! MOM! DAD!" I screamed

And in a blink of an eye, I opened my eyes to find doctors and nurses around me sighing in relief.

"She's awake."

*End of Flashback*

"You okay?" Zayn worriedly asked, I shook my head and realized he was hovering on top of me. "You dozed off for a few seconds there."

"Oh yeah. um.. I'm fine." I smiled as he laid back down beside me.

"Are you gonna tell me about it?" He asked.

"It's just what my parents said when.... apparently when my line went flat before... I went to this place and got to talk to them." I stumbled.

"What did they say?" He encouraged me to go on.

"That I'll meet someone who's gonna help me to recover from all this..." I said as I turned to look at him straight in the eye. "I think it's you."

His lips started to curve up slightly as he looked at me in the eyes as well. "I think so too."


Sorry for not updating yesterday, hope ya'll still there.

Here's something something for you though ;)

I promise that it will get more exciting soon!

Also, who knows.. My favourite YouTubers might join in as well ;)

5SOS might come crash the party too.

BUT THEN AGAIN, People always change their minds.

But make sure to wait for the exciting parts.



Emily SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now