"jerk" i muttered fixing my bag so that it sat proparely. "yo tristan!" we heard someone call. we both looked and saw a group of guys sauntering over to us, smirks donning all their faces. 

"hey guys" he smiled, waving to his buddies. "hey there beverley" they all said turning their gazes to me. i felt myself blush again. 

"hey guys." i smiled, pretending like i wasn't slightly embarrassed. i had to admit all these guys were pretty good looking but no one compared to tristan who leaned against his bike, his hair falling into his eyes. 

"so beverley, is it true you dumped Pete?" i almost scowled at the mention of his name. 

"yeah. bout time i did to." i muttered crossing my arms over my chest feeling extremely annoyed.

"awesome. is it also true that you're dating tristan?" the guys looked at me hopefully. 

i couldn't believe that that's what people thought. i looked over to tristan asking him with my eyes what we should say. 

tristan gave me a small shrug, one that went unnoticed with his buddies. i let loose a smirk, before i stepped forward and wrapped my arms around tristan's neck. 

"well what do you think baby? are we going out?" i asked in a seductive voice, lightly trailing my lips along his jaw. i felt him shiver and pull me closer.

i held back my smirk. i could definitly have some fun with this.

"definitly" he stated, pressing his lips to the side of my temple before nipping me on the side of the neck making me sqeal softly. all the guys let loose whines and protestations. 

"damn!" i heard one guy say. i laughed, turning around and leaning against tristan, his arms winding around my waist so that he was hugging me from behind.  

Just then the bell rang signalling the start of school. i turned to tristan a plan in mind. i smashed my lips against his, running my hands through his hair so that it got messy before pulling away.

"i'll see you later stud" i smiled, leaning forward and biting his lower lip gently before turning and leaving.

I didn't get far before tristan yanked me back. "that wasn't very nice bev" he growled in my ear, his face pressing into the side of my neck.

i laughed shaking my head. "why? did i catch poor tristan off guard?" i teased

"among other things" he murmured, pressing his hips against my back. i felt something hard pressing against my backside.

"i'd say i was sorry but i'm really not" i laughed, slapping his arm and making him let me go.

Suddenly i was yanked backwards, causing me to stumble and fall into who ever had grabbed me.

"get you're hands off of her" i heard pete's voice growl. i looked up to see pete, holding me possesively to his chest.

i jerked my arm out of his grasp. "get off me pete" i snapped shooting him a glare before trying to move back towards tristan.

he grabbed me again pulling me to him. "you're not going anywhere. this relationship isn't over" he glared.

"Oh really?" i glowered, my hands turning into fists. "that's right. and it isn't over until i say it is" he shouted jerking me.

"if you don't let her go, i swear to god your going to regret it" tristan glared, his arms shaking and his face pulled into a mask of complete anger.

"oh yeah? and who's going to make me? you?" he mocked sneering at tristan.

"no. i am" i snapped, gripping onto pete's shoulder and kneeing him hard in the balls. he let go of me crumpling to his knees, clutching himself.

"that was me ending it, asshole." i spat, turning on my heel and walking away, trying to control my heart and my anger.

i heard people breaking out into applause but all i wanted to do was get out of there. i felt tristan come up behind me, his hand pulling me to a stop.

"you okay beverley?" tristan asked, his hand brushing my hair out of my face. i nodded weakly, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head into his shoulder. i didn't want people to see the tears that were threatening to fall at any second.

with that tristan lead me away from the gathering crowd, pulling me into an empty classroom. as soon as the door was closed behind us, tristan turned to look at me.

"you okay?" he asked, lifting my chin so i could look him in the eye. i shook my head, looking away as i bit my lip trying to fight the tears back.

"hey, its going to be okay beverley. i'll keep the bastard away from you. i promise. "

i flinched when he gripped my hand. he looked down, tenderly taking my wrist and inspecting it. he gently prodded one spot making me hiss in pain.

 i hadn't even realized that he had been gripping my wrist that hard. tristan cursed under his breath. "i'm going to kill him" he growled turning to storm out of the classroom.

"no! tristan don't" i called, grabbing onto his arm and turning him around. "you'll just get into trouble. that asshole isn't worth it. trust me on that." i pleaded, holding him back.

he let out a pent up sigh before nodding, turning to me and pulling me into the circle of his arms.


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