Chapter 19 - Little Hints.

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Picture is of  Mrs. Julie Lawson.

Jim's POV

"Uh...yes. I do like him....more than a friend!" I answered.

Julie just stared at me nonchalantly. I was so confused about all this. The worst part is that she didn't react at all for like a couple of minutes. She just stared at me unaffected.

"Well, I really wonder why all hot and cute guys are gay!" Julie said laughing.

Laughing? Wait, I thought I was gonna be tossed out of the house. And why do I get comments like these. Even Zendra said the same thing. I bet Julie and Zendra are long lost fraternal twins.

"So y-you are not t-throwing me out of the house?" I asked her sheepishly.

"Why would I do that? Just because you're gay?" Julie asked. I nodded. "Well, What I believe is....God gave us a brain, a heart, two eyes and a mouth so that we can love anyone we want to and express it."

That gave me a big relief. This reminded me of Mrs. Lovara. She had also said a similar thing.

"Thank you!" I said with a weak smile.

"Thank you? Jim......we're a family! No thank you, No sorry! Who might be my future son-in-law!" Julie said laughing and punched me lightly on my arm.

That made me blush so much. I just looked down at the floor, blushing and smiling like an idiot at the thought of being Julie's future son-in-law. Well, I don't know... I like Harry but marrying him? Well, that I don't know. We aren't even dating yet.

"Awww... don't blush so much!" she said smiling and then hugged me.

"Thank you for accepting me!" I said smiling.

"Like I said.... Don't say Thank You. And well, you're a really good person, Jim!"

"I meant also for allowing me to stay over here knowing the fact that I'm gay and giving me free food."

Julie laughed a lot. I got confused. Why is she laughing so much? So I asked her in a sheepish tone, "What's f-funny?"

"Well, you said 'for allowing me to stay over here knowing the fact that I'm gay'... and that's really funny. I said it as if you are some alien with a tail and horns." she said laughing,"You're a normal human being, Jim."

I smiled.

"Remember one thing, Jim. If you're gay, it doesn't change anything. It's just you're choices are different. If you only say that 'I'm a homosexual and he's a normal person''re the one who is discriminating. And if you do that.... well, you're just encouraging the world to discriminate on the basis of sexuality. You're a normal person. And it's normal for anyone to like anyone! So yeah..." Julie said explaining me.

Well, yeah she was right. If I say that I'm gay and not normal... it's like I'm discriminating as well. Lesson learnt... consider yourself as normal because hell yeah... you are!

I smiled and nodded.

She smiled back and continued, " As for the free food, I would be happy if I had a role to play in someone's bright future. And that's why I allowed Ken to get you here along with him and made you stay here." she said smiling at me.

"You have no clue how much you've helped me, Julie!" I said with a grateful tone.

"Oh I've done nothing. You make it sound that I've done some charity for you. And as of Harry....well, you would be a perfect guy for him. Ken told me that you know what happened between him and Harry. So well, after that even though Harry claims that he is me he's not....he's more bisexual. And somewhere deep down he knows about that fact. And so I might have a chance!" Julie said with a smirk and a wink.

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