Chapter 10 - Relevation.

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Guys, thanks for all the feedback! And yeah as most of you'll pointed out that I'm ending conflicts too early, example - Jim and his parents and even this one.... So yeah I shall improve upon that in the subsequent Chapters!! Thanks a lot guys! Do read and vote and comment, they motivate me to write more :D

I hope you like it! Chapter dedicated to Ethan Ezekiel!

Picture is of Eric.

Jim's POV

He was still looking outside the window and I was just staring at him in disbelief. I didn't know what to say and this was something I didn't even expect. So many questions ran through my head. I was dumbfound. Finally I spoke ending the silence,"How? And why did you hide such a big thing from me?"

Ken sighed and turned and looked at me. He looked sad. I could see the expression in his beautiful hazel eyes. I have never seen Ken like this before. "Look!" he began,"This is really complicated and well, I'll tell you the entire story!" he sighed and then began the tale.

"Back in Glasgow, during my childhood, we had a maid named Alena Matthews. Mom never considered her as a maid, there were like..good friends and Alena was really close to me as well. Alena didn't stay in my house but yeah...She was my nanny. Alena had a son who was five years elder to me and we were in the same school and well that son is no one but our Eric. Eric would come sometimes to my house just to play on weekends and we were like bros. Well, when I was eight years old, this disaster happened that while coming back from a holiday, the car of the Matthews family fell prey to a highway pile-up. Eric's Dad died on spot and Eric and his Mom were injured and were taken to the hospital. The hospital staff called Mom and Mom and Dad rushed to the hospital immediately. On reaching there they got the news that Eric's Dad was dead, Eric was in a coma and Alena was in a really critical condition. Two day's later, Eric came out of his coma and Alena gained consciousness as well. Alena was so sure that she was gonna die that she said told Mom and Dad to adopt Eric and consider that as her last wish. My parents did the needful and adopted Eric. Eric did knew about it because Alena spoke to him. Well...that night Alena's condition got critical again and she....passed away." Ken was just looking down at the floor with extreme sadness flashing in his eyes. And I was shocked, I just looked at Ken after hearing something so unfortunate.

"Uh-well...that's so unfortunate.. I mean..,Eric was just thirteen and....I really don't know what to did he become your butler then?" I said in a low tone full of sadness and shock.

"Yeah. Let me complete. Well, my parents took care of Eric and did everything they could for him to survive after coming out from a coma. Eric told my parents that no one should come to know about his adoption, not even me. Or else he would not come with them. He did address them as Mom and Dad and my parents did all they could for Eric to have a happy life. School, football, girlfriends.. they didn't mind anything. They became his motivation. Of course I did ask that where did Alena go suddenly and why was Eric staying here. Well, they answered Alena's part truthfully, but the latter, Eric said that he is staying with us because he loves me the most and he does indeed but they did hide the real reason. From that day onwards, he became one of the best brother/friend in the world. You know how close a bond was there between me and him. Well, when Eric turned eighteen, Dad sent him to the University of Glasgow so that Eric could fulfill his ambition of becoming a lawyer. But he went to university on a condition that he would serve the family as a butler and with that he started wearing that butler uniform and doing those butler duties. My parents wanted him to do university so they did not say anything and well he would always say to them that his mom would have wanted him to serve the family as well and whenever he said that Mom would allow him to do whatever he wanted because Mom had a really soft spot whenever he mentioned Alena. When I asked him about the butler duties, he said that it was his mom's last wish. So I couldn't say anything as well. Two days before going to Australia, while removing some certificates from the study room, I saw Eric's adoption papers and......I was shattered. That's when I understood things. I asked for an explanation for this lie and well they gave in and told me the truth. Also, that day I got to know that he was doing these butler duties. He was doing it because according to him, his mom would have wanted to do it as well and he was indebted to us for adopting him, for giving him the best education and giving so much love. My parents told me that they did protest against his decision but it was in vain. Finally Dad told me the way he put firth the condition for going to the university. After that, so many times I tried to tell him to stop this thing but he turned a deaf ear to me all the time. You horrible it feels when your elder brother who loves you so much is your butler." and Ken just stopped speaking after that and there was complete silence.

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