Chapter 9 - Interaction.

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So here's the next update and thanks for reading my previous chapter!

Chapter dedicated to this amazing person who is Bleedin-Soulz!

IMPORTANT : I've changed the cast of Eric so to see his new picture please go back to Chapter 5 :)

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Picture is of Jim.

Jim's POV

Ken : Good morning :)

We are staying in the same house and he sends me a good morning message? How lazy can he get? Like we are even on the same fucking floor! Can't he move his ass, walk a bit and wish me? I saw that message while getting up from the couch in Mrs. Lovara...err... Granny's room. Granny wasn't there on her bed and the bed was tidied already so it seems she has already been up! I walked to Ken's room and saw the bed tidied over there as well. The bed had my clothes and there was a note,

Dearest Jim,

I know I didn't need to be so romantic and leave a note for such petty things xD Just so that you know, I've left the house early this morning with Mom for Sacramento to help her out with a business meeting over there. I shall be back by midnight. I'm so sorry that I didn't wake you up and for going but Mom really needed my help. I would have woken you up, but you look too cute while sleeping xD Hang out with Eric today!


This guy always has to do something cute that makes me fall more in love with him. Cute asshole! He's so cute!

So I have to chill with Eric today. Good, I'll get to know the guy! I got ready and went downstairs. George and Granny had already started breakfast while Eric was just standing there. Seeing me come, he said smiling, "Good morning, Jim! I was waiting for you. Let's have breakfast!"

"That's so sweet of you, Eric and Good morning to you too and to George and Granny!" I said sitting on the chair.

"Good morning, son!" Granny said with a smile.

"Good morning, Jim! Seems like you are missing the flirty 'mom and son'!" George said laughing.

"A lot! Don't you see!" I said in a sarcastic tone, laughing.

"Well, Mom and I are leaving now. Eric, take care of Jim!" George said.

"Bye boys!" Granny and George said getting up.

"Bye!" Eric and I replied.

Gosh! This is gonna be a bit weird. Like I don't even know this dude a lot. All I know about him is that he likes Suits show, Katy Perry, Hunger Games and Game of Thrones. And moreover, to make things uncomfortable, he's in his butler uniform. Well he should be in one because he is a butler but I mean I can't hang out with him like that. Well, its always great to get people know and now that I gotta change myself. So I spoke after we finished breakfast, "Eric, If you don't mind, can you do a favour?"

"At your service, Jim!" he said with a genuine smile.

"Can you please change into casuals? Its a bit weird with you in that uniform!" I said.

"I'm a butler, Jim!"

"I know! But please can you?"

"Alright, I'll change and will be back!" he said smiling and left upstairs. I barely knew about this guy! And moreover, he's really close to Ken.... they have a brotherly bond. And he definitely seemed special and close to the family because who gets their servant when they shif from Glasgow to San Fransisco! And there came Eric. He was looking really good in casuals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not checking him out!

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