Chapter 3 - Healing The Wounds.

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Thanks for reading my previous chapter!!

This chapter is dedicated to an angel who has been giving me invaluable feedback! :)

Picture is of Ken.

Jim's POV

I could not believe it. No way. This cannot be possible. I was still staring at the caller ID and I could not believe that he called. Do we have some telepathy or is he supernatural? The caller ID said 'Ken Baynson.' I wiped my tears and without wasting any time, answered the call with a fake happy tone possible. I was a bit happy though.

" K--Ken."

"BROOOOO!!", Ken yelled out of joy from the other side of the phone, "HOW ARE YOU MAAAN? Where are you? What's up with you?"

"Woah woah Ken! Calm down. When did you come back? And I'm fine." I lied.

"I came back yesterday evening, Jim. And you know what... you suck at lying. I can make out from your voice that you are not fine at all. You seem...... miserable."

Wait. Does he know? Or am I that bad at pretending? Damn. Why does he read me so well!? He always understands when I'm lying. Cute asshole.

"Dude Ken, I'm fine, honestly. Don't worry."

"I'm your best friend and your bro man. You can't fool me. And whenever you say 'Don't worry', that's when you have to worry the most."

"Why do you read me so well?" immediately regretting for saying that.

"Hey, this means something is definitely wrong. Where are you?"


"Which home? You're a rich guy." Ken said mocking me, "Parents or rented one?"

"You're the rich kid." I said rolling my eyes, "Well, Rented one."

"Oh cool! I'm nearby only. I'll be there in like... two minutes."

"Aah. Alright. I shall be waiting outside the apartment building at the gate."

"Awesome. See you in two minutes, mate!" Ken said hanging up the phone.

In a way, I was happy. Ken was coming. He will make me feel better. I needed him. But no way in hell he should come to know about me cutting myself and about this suicide plan I was making. If he came to know about it, he will feel shit about himself. He will feel guilty because he wasn't there with me when I was under fire.

I put on my black jacket on my brown T-shirt so that I could hide the cuts on my arms and then rushed down the stairs to meet Ken outside the apartment. I was meeting him after six months. And so much had happened since then. I had to come out to him as well. I hope he accepts me. I never told anyone before, that I was gay. Not even Allan and Ken. I knew Ken would accept me though. Back in the United Kingdom, he did have a gay friend. But anyways, I was so excited to see Ken. I came to the entrance gate of my apartment building.

As soon as I reached there, a white colored Bentley drove in. It stopped in front of me. The rear passenger seat door opened and out came expensive polished black leather shoes, followed by the man who was wearing them. He was in a white V-neck T-shirt, on which he wore a light brown coat and dark blue jeans. His beautiful eyes were covered with the black shades. It was none other than my Ken.

He closed the Bentley's door and paced towards me with a face that showcased immense happiness, simultaneously removing his shades and attaching it to the V-neck of the T-shirt, revealing his beautiful eyes that only showed love for me. And then in his usual cute way, he opened up his arms indicating that he wanted to hug me.

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