I grabbed at his hands as I cried, finally noticing he was clutching something tightly in his palm. I pried his hand open and my heart shattered at the site. There in his blood stained hand was the little wooden figurine I gave him. I snatched it up quickly and finally stood up, walking over to where Thomas was literally beating Gally to death. I was sure he was already dead from the damage Thomas had done. As I spoke in a barely audible whisper, my voice cracked dangerously, causing Thomas to momentarily regain his grip on reality.

"That's enough. It's over, Tommy."

He looked up at me with tear stained eyes and I gently pulled him off of Gally. I placed the wooden figurine in his hand with tear filled eyes. Chuck would've wanted him to keep it. Then, I slowly knelt beside Gally, pulling his head on my lap as I sobbed. Thomas made his way back to Chuck, pulling him close as he began to sob and scream, begging for him to wake up just like I had done. It crushed my soul to have to hear him break down like that. I drowned out everything around me, focusing only on Gally as I stroked his hair and gently wiped blood from his broken, lifeless face. My tears soaked his cheeks as they poured from my red, puffy eyes like waterfalls. Before I knew it, I was being snatched up as I faintly heard gunshots echo all around me. I kept tuning out the commotion surrounding me, not caring whether I lived or died anymore. For a split second, I even hoped that they'd go ahead and shoot me right in the head. I let the person drag me to my fate as I stared at Gally and Chucks' stiff, lifeless bodies with dead eyes, my world slowly crumbling around me.


We had been hauled onto a bus and within a few hours, we arrived at our destination. The rescuers shuffled us through the doors and up the stairs and into a huge dormitory with bunk beds lined against one of the walls, red blankets lying on top of them. On the opposite side were dressers and tables and I couldn't help but notice the numerous windows that lined the walls of the room, their bright green curtains drawn shut. The walls were painted a bright yellow and all the colors clashed and began to give me a headache.

My eyes fell on the adults in the room. There were nine or ten of them, men and women, and they were dressed in black pressed pants and neat button up shirts. A bad feeling worked it's way into my gut at the familiar attire. They reminded me of WICKED. I dropped it and forced myself to eat some of the pizza they gave us before they announced it was time for bed.

They explained that the girls and boys would be separated, so they took Teresa and I to our rooms. I was a little suspicious when they told us we would have our own rooms instead of sharing like the boys, but I let it go, far too tired to argue with them. I quickly mumbled a goodnight to Teresa when I walked into my room and plopped onto the bed. I had gotten new clothes and bathroom things earlier, so I forced myself to get up and go get a shower before bed. I showered as quickly as possible before getting out and getting dressed.

I stared into the lone mirror above the sink, finally seeing my face for the first time. I looked exactly like Newt had said, albeit the dark bags underneath my eyes and the cuts. I looked at my neck, staring at the barely noticeable scar that slightly bulged from my skin. I ran a finger over it as I thought back to Noah attacking me in the Glade. My lip quivered slightly as I realized that I would honestly rather go back to that day than be here right now without Gally and Chuck. I forced myself to clear my mind of thoughts of the two boys as a loud sigh escaped my lips. I picked up my towel and began to rub my hair, trying my best to dry it.

I was still drying my hair when I walked out of the bathroom and had a hand clamped over my mouth. I tried to bite at the hand and scream, but it was no use. The intruder held me still as someone else blindfolded me. They dragged me away as I tried to fight back helplessly. When we finally reached our destination, I was thrown into a room and the door was locked behind me. I pounded on the door for a minute before I turned around and came face to face with a man that resembled a rat. My nose scrunched up in disgust as I stared at him. I looked behind him at the foreboding medical table before taking a step back and glaring at him.

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyWhere stories live. Discover now