Putting Back The Pieces

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. HAD MY FIRST WRITER'S BLOCK!!!! Just so you know I almost lost any interest in the story if I'm honest with myself. Let the show go on! Oh, and a pic to hopefully dampen up the mood, methinks?


Dipper's POV

I don't feel anything but sadness. I was sobbing heavily and clutching my body tightly, hoping to drown out the whispers of my failure. A cloud of depression hangs over my head like an unrelenting...... thing. Damn it all to Hades! I don't even have anything to describe my sulking over the death of....


What have I done?

I just let my one of my best friends die because of my hesitation. Because I couldn't kill Billy fast enough. No, I meant defeat Billy, right?

I was just numb to everything surrounding me as I ponder on what I felt during the battle. I had righteous anger but I remembered the unbridled rage I had when he threatened the people I loved.

I sort of felt a darkness slowly residing in my heart. But I didn't fight it off because the creepy thing was that....

I realized something.



Even after years of training physically, I wasn't really ready mentally. I was rash, reckless and I thought I could defeat him easily. So, I lost even though I won.

I stood up shaking from the cold forest wind on my exposed skin and wounds on the several holes and slashes on my clothing. It was inconsiquential since I could easily repair it with my artificial Gem power but I was crushed by grief over the death of someone close to me.

I fell backwards on the tree but I was able to catch myself on it. I still had tears water falling from my red, puffy eyes. I gritted my teeth, feeling the blood in my mouth. My face was caked with dirt, blood and other things.

I turned slightly to the left so my left shoulder was the one leaning on the rough bark of the tree. I raised my eyes towards the cliff.

The same cliff where I last saw my best friend.

My head fell down, letting a dark shadow fall over my face. I start shaking again while my hands go to both sides of my head and grab at my head.




"Wannabe hero."





"NO PLEASE! I didn't mean for this to happen!"


When Weirdness meets Highness (Dipper x Pacifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now