Death has never been so Happy

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A/N: There will be two POV
s and I was busy watching Duck Dodgers in the 24th and 1/2 Century. Great Show.


Pacifica's POV

Flashbacks of my life go to me. The good came to me because they were the most unforgettable. I never felt so scared and happy at the same time.

1st Flashback

"Please don't leave me Dipper."

"I will never leave you."

I remember that moment too well. Because that was the first time someone truly loved me. First time, they made a promise and ultimately broke it.

2nd Flashback

The agents pointed their guns at Stan and the blonde agent said. "Mr. Pines! You are under arrest for rebuilding the universal machine and activating it!"

We let out a gasp when we heard those words. Next, we heard a metal door opening and from the door came Dipper and that crazy Old Man McGucket.

"DIPPER!!!!", me and Mabel shouted his name together.

That was the last time I saw Dipper. I couldn't believe that I could finally be with Dipper.

I opened my eyes once more and I saw the most handsome face in the cosmos. My Dipper. Everything was blurred but I could see his face so clearly.

Then, everything suddenly came to focus and I said,


Dipper's POV

I mentally patted myself on the back. I had her in my arms before she was hit by the damn truck.

(A/N: Thought I killed her didn't ya?)

We landed right next to Mabel at that point.

Pacifica opened her eyes and looked at my face. She then said "Dipper?"

My brain was on panic mode. How do I explain this? How? How? How!??!?!?!?!

I gathered up my wits, or what's left of it, and kept a straight face.

"If you are talking about the Big Dipper, I suggest you wait for it at nightime."

Real smooth, Dipper. Real smooth.

Pacifica was still in a daze while Mabel shook her head back to reality and knelt down next to us.

"Thanks for saving my bestie.", she said with grace.

Pacifica then squinted her eyes and realised what she said, "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay."

Mabel and Pacifica both stood up and looked at me properly.

I then picked up Pacifica's shoe and gave it to her.

They were scrutinizing every detail of my body, it took all of my willpower not to flinch and cover my inappropriate places. I touched my black backpack which had all of my clothes and etc. inside

Mabel smiled after inspection and said, "Thanks again, I'm Mabel Pines, what's your name?"

I almost facefaulted, shocked that Mabel didn't recognize me one bit.

"James Universe."

"Universe? What a weird last name."

"I should say the same for you, Pines.", I said teasingly.

"My friend here, is the famous philantrophist Pacifica Northwest."

"Nice to meet you Mabel and Pacifica. But if you don't mind, I'll be going to the diner now, wherever it is.", I said, like I was new here.

"Oh, we are going to Greasy's Diner too! Why don't you come with us?"

"Are you sure?"

"Besides, anything to thank Pacifica's hot dark knight.", she said with a perverted smile.

Wait a minute! Does Mabel like me!?!??!?!

Then, as if on cue, she said, "Don't worry, you're not my type. Unless you're a vampire, Pacifica's all yours. Owww!"

She glared at Pacifica who was delivering an equal glare while red as a tomato. They look like they were having a mental conversation. They looked at me and smiled and Pacifica said,

"Yeah. Why don't you come with us?"

"Okay, if that's what you want, I guess."

"Okay, let's go!"

We started walking to the diner.

Mabel was smiling all the way and shooting questions all at once.

"Where do you come from? Are you from here? Did you just arrive? How old are you? Do you think Pacifica's pretty? What's your full name?"

Since I was used to Steven and Amethyst talking fast, unlike before with Mabel, I answered as fast.

"Beach City. No. Yes. 18. Very. James Quartz Universe."

Pacifica blushed at my answer.

Satisfied, Mabel then went at a slow pace.

"What brings you here? And what's with your eyes?"

"I came to visit and I was born like this.", I said, lying.

I had sea green contact lenses on because Connie introduced me to her Percy Jackson books, and I became a huge fan, so I decided to wear these contact lenses.

"Oh, okay."

"Pacifica and I are going to eat the new special, why don't you join us?"


We entered the diner and again all eyes were on me as we walked to our supposed seat. Some girls were winking at me and looking at me with lust. But I decided not to say something snarky in disgust.

I sat down akwardly and the others sat down too. Lady Susan went to our table.

"Hi girls. Oh, who's this? Is this your boyfriend, Pacifica?"

The girls looked crestfallen at that.

"He's our friend. He saved Pacifica from being roadkill."

I tried not to scoff the other girls around the diner who had hope in their eyes.

"Oh, that's nice of you young man. And it's about time somebody handsome like you come into this town."

I was about to answer when Pacifica came to my rescue.

"Umm, excuse me. Can you get us the new special, the Blueberry Tornado for all of us three?"

"Okay, special for three coming up."

She went away like a drone on a duty.

What an eventful day.

When Weirdness meets Highness (Dipper x Pacifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now