The Gems Visit Part 2

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Dipper's POV

"Hi Dipper."

Those two words were the only ones to scare the bejeesus out of me. Why are they here? All of the Crystal Gems are here, even Peridot and Lapis.

"Steven, I have a question. Why are you here!?!?", I was shocked, no not shocked, panicking!

"Well, Pearl was worried because you weren't calling us and we decided to come to you.", Steven answered nervously.

"And you didn't tell me that there was a warp pad here?"

Pearl walks up to me and opens her mouth, "Why haven't you called us? Why you didn't answer our calls? Are you hurt? Did you catch a cold? Do you have any abrasions?"

I facepalm myself physically and mentally, realizing that it's my fault why they are here in Gravity Falls.

"How about I will tell you what happened."

"Better make it good.", Garnet said. I hope I don't have a weak excuse.

I explained to them what happened in the past few days and why I was not able to communicate with them and they seem to accept that.

"Now you know, will you go back now?"

Yes, finally I solved one of my problems for once.

Steven raised a finger to his head and smiled, "Guys, I have an idea. Why don't we stay here, take a look and see how Dipper's doing?"

Scratch that, it has gotten harder and harder.

All of them nodded much to my chagrin and pride. How can I bring 5 and 1/5 Gems into the town and come back out without raising someone's attention? Think brain, think.

"You guys can't stroll through Gravity Falls and not scare the people here."

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw Steven with a worried look that was giving me the shivers and a bad feeling which will not make this end well for me.

What now?

"By the way, we brought Lion."

Bill, kill me now.



Line Break (1st time)

My mind had always been the wandering type, never settling for one boring thought. Thinking ahead was my specialty, trying to predict if my life was proceeding in the right direction. But no, everything seemed to be forming slowly and I merely let it take it's course. Now look, here I am transporting the Gems and hoping nothing goes wrong.

We let Lion stay back because who knows what's going to happen if we let a pink lion loose. He will eat everything in the town and all the food in the shack. The horror of it.

Steven fits in just well but the others........... not so much.

I am leading them first to the Shack because if they are weird, the Shack is the place to be. And I need to get them in a safe place where they could change their clothes since the woods were always occupied.

I felt another presence near us and I was ambushed by the side and unto the ground. Mabel was untop of me and said,"Dipper, where were you?"

The Gems had their weapons out, except Steven, Peri and Lapis. I put my hand infront of them and I was weezing because of Mabel on top of my body.

"No, no, no, no, no! Stop! She's my sister! And Mabel, get off me for Grid's sake!"

They all lowered their weapons but Mabel didn't listen because she was staring at the Gems and she shrieked like a fangirl. She jumped and walked to Steven, to pester him with questions.

Finally, beautiful air, I missed you so much!!!

I gulped in needed amounts of air with the weight of Mabel off me and I heard Mabels's rantings in the background. It went something like this:

"Hi, are you Steven? Is it true that you have a Lion? What do you think of Dipper? How long has Dipper been with you? Do you have a girlfriend? What's her name? Do you like doughnuts? What's your favorite color? Do you have powers? Do you watch Crying Breakfast Friends? Do you go to school?"

Steven coudn't keep up and he was flabbergasted at Mabel's questions which probably broke the sound barrier, instead he hid it and was politely saying, "I'm sorry. I lost you at the first question. Can you repeat slowly?"

They started over and they seem to hit it off well. Steven may be a bit weird but this ridiculous.

Then, she was speaking to the Gems and they were chatting like they were friends at the beginning except Pearl who was staring at Mabel's sweater which said, "Potatoes will rule over Humans" and her mismatched shoes because her left shoe was pink and the other was blue.

I was laughing at Pearl's reaction and they were looking at me like I was nuts.

"So Peri, are there any people or other things near us and is it going to rain?"

"By my calculations, nothing is within 50 feet near us and I am not your own weather reporter! Yes, it's going to rain."

The reason why she was ticked off was because long ago, she and Lapis was walking in the town and Lapis mentiomed that Steven said it was going to rain. Peridot said that there was no rain coming by her calculations. Lapis stepped on a sharp rock and her reaction made a fire hydrant explode, soon it was raining. Lapis shrugged at Peri and said, "See it's raining now." To this day, we still tease her about it.

"Mabel, want to help me sneak them to the Shack?"

Mabel just grinned mischievously.

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