Malevolence of Evil

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A/N: So sorry to be taking you away from poor Dipper who is depressed beyond imagination and is on the brink of breaking like a twig 'emotionally'. But I have to like show some insight to Billy like his insanity. I'll talk to all you guys later. Oh and please comment on the new cover, made it myself and it was about Dipper's leaving and all. You get the idea.

3rd Person's POV (It tested really well)

In a dark, cold, barren place. Not in a galaxy far, far away but an alternate universe actually. There is darkness, all over, save for the light of torches and one worn-down star long past its extinction.

In that darkness, was a small planet. It was not like that of the Earth. It was a crooked, black lump of rock. It held certain evil in it. One would describe it as Hell, the Underworld, Purgatory, Tartarus but no. It was the world of Sheol. Meaning "the Pit" or "the Grave". And it was where all men die if they were to trespass into this place.

It's cold. Bone-chilling to the point you can't get warm. The planet itself was unearthly and ominous. It was filled with the mangled bones of creatures unrecognizable due to the monsters that eat them mercilessly.

All entrances led to the planet's horrible core which showed the hollowness of the planet like the evil souls of the population. A direful red light presided over it. The mist and gloom of darkness settled over it like a blanket. There is wailing and gnashing of teeth heard in the torture chambers of the unfortunate. It was also constricting. Your chest would feel heavy as you strain to see beyond the seemingly solid black walls around you. It was as though your own inner light was being snuffed out by cold, wet fingers. You had this dread looming over you. A dread that niggles in the back of minds telling you the darkness will always come back. You couldn't escape it. You will feel yourself growing tired, physically and emotionally.

In here, the darkness is a state of being. Of being cold and constricted; of being fearful of the unknown around you. And it is a sense of hopelessness of ever having anything better. You can feel the menacing presence of all the eyes that would watch you as you think you are safe. The smell of blood wafting over in wisps. The core had small islands in it connected by bones, intestines, dreams and hopes destroyed and alike. Below the islands was a pool of fire filled with brimstone, corpses and other disgusting and disturbing things.

In the largest island was a awful mansion with a strange scarlet paint which used to be the life flowing through the veins of people and monsters who lived here in the wretched planet. Cages littered the sides of the mansion. In them were cry of despair and other unimaginable incorrigible sentences that made you freeze a moment. From the mansion came the roaring screams of undignified disorder coming from a sinister presence. Behind the broken glass panes was a man with raw power and nightmarish evil rolling off him in waves. His body was like that of a pale 19 year old but he was not 19 years old, he was more than that. The man had blonde hair with red highlights all over it. His eyes were a reddish-brown that held no compassion nor love. His clothes was that of a gentleman but a dark steel-blue. His teeth were sharpened like that of a wolf's. His loafers were pitch black.

He was currently thrashing around in anger. His mental powers throwing things around the room like a hurricane and the man was the eye of the storm. He held a crystal ball in his hand that had a repeating image of Dipper slashing his sword at the watcher. It continued on for several minutes as he continued his crazed rant in the face of his defeat.




The man had his right eye twitching as he took in a single breath and began in a low tone that grew larger as it persisted.

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