Akwardness on so Many Levels

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Dipper's POV

We looked at each other and looked away as quickly as possible at the same time.

My mind took a bit of time to process what just happened. It was a couple of seconds 'till I spoke up.

"So, how do you feel?" I shyly ask.

She went to my side and said, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"I won't say anything about it, so you wouldn't be affected."

"Thanks. But, it was still nice."

To say that I was shocked was a comically huge understatement.

We look back at each other's eyes and I can't resist those lips of hers. Shut up, Dipper! She's a girl, respect her!

Then, Mabel appeared around the corner, giving me a heart attack, and ran to me. "Hey Dipper, we gotta go."

"Sure, go ahead."

She then went back to the golf cart, that I used so that Mabel, the other, Pacifica and I could get here earlier. But, was Pacifica shocked when we showed up like that.

I then did the unexpected, I started leaning in to Pacifica's face and surprisingly, she did too. Then, time slows down for me as we're nearing each other. Eventually, our lips touch and it was like I didn't have a care in the world and only Me and Pacifica were here.

My hand went to her hips and she gave a happy shiver probably from the tingles I'm giving her. Mabel's tragic vampire romance novels gave me a description of a kiss. I felt fireworks coming from the kiss. Then my 'twin telepathy' told me that Mabel was watching.

We broke the kiss and I said out of the blue, "Keep on spying and I'll make Waddles morning breakfast!"

Mabel appeared from the corner and was shocked I found her so easily.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going."

Mabel walked away, cursing under her breath about 'uptight brothers' and Pacifica looked at me curiously.

"How di-"

"Twin telepathy."

"Oh. Thanks for the kiss."

"Yeah.... well I gotta go."


I look back and she was holding a piece of paper. I raise an eyebrow. What would be in the paper when the person in front of me was not known to share, hell she could hardly even pronounce the word.

"My number."

"Oh, thanks. Gotta go, bye."

I put the small paper in my tuxedo's pocket.


I wave and she waves back while I run to Mabel and her friends.

Mabel looks at me with a sly look and grin so wide, it made her sneaky.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

I kept a straight face but later, I smiled widely and dreamt of Pacifica the rest of the way back to the shack.


A/N Too weird? Please comment.

When Weirdness meets Highness (Dipper x Pacifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now