"Hey... What's wrong?" I heard a voice say, I looked up slowly as my eyes locked with Drake's.

"Vanessa set up a little party for Nic. And it overwhelmed her." Lydia explained.

He grabbed my hand and stood me up. "Sorry I'm late."

I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug.

I pulled away and let Lydia into the hug with us. We sat together for a few moments before Drake let us go.

"Come on you have a party to get to." He smiled.

I took a deep breath. "I'm scared."

"We're right here by your side Nic." Lydia stated.

"You can do this," Drake encouraged.

We walked in together.

"Nicki you told me how you didn't really have friends, so I wanted to give you a chance to get to know some of your employees." Vanessa explained.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I spent a few minutes really lowkey just with Lydia and Drake, a few people came over to me asking what my fit was about.

"You should just make one big announcement." Lydia offered.

"Yeah I guess. Only with your help." I sighed.

She stood on a chair, "Hey guys! Nic has something important to share, please be optimistic and non-judgemental."

"Okay!" Everyone said in unison.

"Hi.. Uhh, I'm Nicki aka the bitchy boss or whatever you probably call me." I was nervous. "Uh.. I really just wanted to say that I am not actually bitchy. I just come off that way."

I looked over to Lydia for help. She just urged me on.

"Umm... I really don't know how to explain what it is I want to say." I said nervously.

Lydia urged me more.

"Okay um.. I guess I'll start with the fact that I have social anxiety so I'm not used to this environment really, there's actually A LOT of you here.." I fanned myself a little to keep from freaking out. "Because of my anxiety, I never really learned how to approach people on a social level, which is why I'm sure many of you have noticed that I don't do well with greeting people each day and holding conversations."

I took a deep breath, "An embarrassing fact that I will allow you all to know about me is that I am hypersensitive. Small things will get me worked up."

I bit my lip before continuing, "I have learned to hold business conversations, and I can handle work related conversations and interactions. But I do wish I had the social skills to make friends, because my only friends are in fact Lydia, Aubrey, and... Vanessa."

I looked over at Lydia once more before continuing, "Thanks for listening everyone you can go back to your.. gathering."

I suddenly had the urge to tell Drake my decision.

"Come with me." I whispered when I walked past him.

He followed me out the door. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just have something important to tell you. But I have to tell you when we get in my office." I explained.

I let him walk inside first to see everything that was set up.

"What's all this?" He asked.

"Well, I made my decision." I said.

"Oh, is this the way you're letting me down easy?" He said a little less enthusiastically.

"No, this is my way of asking you out." I bit my lip as I handed him a small box wrapped up.

He opened it, inside was a solid gold watch with authentic diamonds that spelled out "A+O(2x)".

"Whats this for?" He asked pointing to the letters.

"A for Aubrey, O for Onika. But twice because Aaliyah and OJ." I explained, "I kinda suck at giving gifts, you dont have to use it if you dont like it, just sell it or something and buy yourself something better. I just..."

"I love it Nic." He said, shutting me up.


"Yeah, it came from your heart. And it shows you actually thought about it." He explained, touching my chin. "How much did this cost?"

I shrugged, "I don't know.. Like $200,000 or something. "

"Nic.." He made sure our eyes locked before continuing, "that's a lot. You really don't have to buy me expensive things."

"I wanted to.."

He pecked my lips, "I love you."

"I.. Love you too" I replied, realizing it was the first time I had said that to a man, well.. To anyone besides Lydia. "Hmph."

"What?" He smiled.

"Nothing.. This is just beyond my imagination."

"Saying I love you?"

"No, saying it to someone other than Lydia, and meaning it. Nonetheless saying it to a man." I explained.

"So I get to be the first?" He asked pulling me closer with his hands around my waist.

"No, you're the only." I restated. He pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

When we pulled away I presented him with the rest of his gifts. Afterwards he led me to the couch and we sat down together.

"Nic, I want you to understand this. I don't take this lightly, I'm very honored that you chose me. I know that choosing to leave Lydia was a very hard decision, I'll never take that for granted." He stated, looking deep into my eyes, "I love being around you Nic. I love everything about you. I love learning more about you each day, you never stop amazing me. You are very extraordinary and I look forward to our future together."

I nodded with teary eyes.


Later on I took Liyah to the 5th floor for the special day I had planned.

"What is itttt?" She groaned.

"Its a surprise, you'll see when we get there."

"Pleaseeeee" she begged.

I opened the door to one of the rooms, inside were three people and a huge table.

"This is the design room." I stated, "you are going to make your own original dress. And if I like it, I might add it to the line."

"Woah" she awed.

I sat her down in front of a blank sheet of paper with an outline of a woman's body on it and handed her a pencil.

"Hi Ms. Nicki" someone said softly from beside me.

I turned and look at her for a few moments. I wanted to say hi, I don't know what was stopping me.

"Nicki, just say hi back. Its not hard, its all in your head." Aaliyah urged.

I took a deep breath and pretended like it was a business exchange, " Hi whats your name again?"

"Kendra." She smiled, "I really appreciated you opening up to everyone. Not many people have the courage to do so."

"Thank you."

"You know, I'd really like to get to know you more. You seem like a really nice person." Kendra said, sincerely.

"She is." Liyah chimed in.

QOTD: how yall like this longer chapter?

AOTD: i got so into it that I forgot to stop lol

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