Chapter 7: Just a kiss.

Start from the beginning

My boldness both shocked and aroused me further and before long I was out of my own head; my entire body focused on the pleasure I was receiving. Our shirts were off before I'd even registered it and the feel of his hot flesh against mine made me gasp.

"Nathan." I breathed as he kissed a wet trail down my stomach, when his tongue dipped into my navel an excited shout bubbled up in my throat and Nate covered my mouth with his hand, swallowing up the sound. I raised my hips to make it easier for him to pull off my pants and my boxer shorts were next.

Then it was his hands on me and the feeling was heaven. He ran his palms from my knees and down to the inside of my thighs with his mouth trailing along and when he finally touched that secret place only my hands had ever known I shook with desire.

"Nathan." I breathed when his head dipped and I felt his tongue on my overheated, hard flesh.

For a while I saw white then he withdrew, quickly moving off the bed to reach up to his own bunk. I watched him push his hand under the metal supports under his mattress and pull out something round. I couldn't make out much else from the shadows.

A second later, legs spread and eyes shut tight; I felt something cold drip onto the inside of my thigh, then his fingers were there at the small ring of muscle between my butt cheeks.

His fingers did sinful things to my body, sending ripples of pleasure along my spine, then the fingers were gone only to be replaced by something larger and infinitely more potent.

I felt a shock of pain and I gasped then bit my lip against the uncomfortable intrusion. Nathan's lips found mind again; this time gently.

"Relax, it'll get better." He whispered and as he kissed me I tried to do as he told and not particularly surprising; it worked. Soon I was enveloped in a world of pleasure completely beyond what I'd ever experienced.

I made sounds I was sure to be embarrassed about in the morning and clung to Nathan like a wanton young girl who'd just lost her virginity to the man of her dreams.

It was beautiful and painful and intoxicating.

When it was over he slowly eased out of me and fell onto the mattress beside me, then as I panted he pulled me to him; my back against his chest. I felt the coolness of the air drift over my naked flesh and I shivered.

Nathan reached down and pulled the thin sheet over our bodies and we settled in silence.

"Are you alright?" he whispered much later.


"Are you sure?" he asked again and this time I nodded, not trusting myself to get the word out without my voice betraying my emotions.

What we'd shared was something deeper than I'd imagined it would be. It felt as if something had shifted inside me and my mind was filled with only him. It was both scary and electrifying. I took hold of the arm he'd wrapped around me, holding on as if for dear life.

To experience something like this...why had they never portrayed it right in the movies? Why had the actors and their directors failed in their jobs to prepare me for an experience so absolutely riveting? I hated them for it but in the time it took for that thought to form I found that another unfamiliar emotion had bubbled forth; love.

It couldn't be anything else.

I was in love with Nathan; everything about him since the moment we'd met up until this act now had a place in my heart and I didn't know if i could handle it all.

"Nathan." I whispered into the silence.

"Hmm?" I felt the vibration against my shoulder.

I took a breath.

"Don't hate me in the morning okay?" I mumbled against the pillow.

He was silent for a second before he answered.

"I won't."




If you do any fan art for these guys lemme know so we can all fangirl over them!

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