Where it all went wrong

Start from the beginning

"G?! What is that?" I panicked, he is not proposing is he?!

"Relax Lou I'm not proposing" he chuckled and I let out a sigh of relief. "but it is a ring, a promise ring. To promise to each other to be faithful, to love each other, to trust each other, to stand by each other and let people know that you are mine and only mine and I am yours and only yours" he finished off his little speech then looked at me waiting for me to say something. I gulped.




Stand by each other

I am his and his only

I felt sick, none of those things applied to our relationship and he didn't know that.

I can't do this anymore.

"George I'm sorry" I said and released my other hand from his. His eyes started to water.

"What's going on Lou? I thought you loved me?" He questioned.

"I do love you I-" he cut me off.

"Them what are you sorry about?" He was so confused.

"George, I- I'm sorry- I've done something stupid, and you'll never forgive me" I couldn't face to look him in the eye but I could tell the water that was building up in his eyes were now rolling down his cheek.

"What are you talking about Lucy?" He said sternly, no longer calling me Lou.

"I- I- I cheated George, I'm sorry" I looked up at him as the tears rolled fast down my cheek. Pain flashed in his eyes, then anger. He looked to the side, not ever being able to look at me. There was about a minutes of silence before he spoke.

"Who with?" He asked calmly.

"I can't tell you I'm sorry George" even more tears rolled down my cheek. I've hurt him enough I can't ruin his relationship with his best friend too.

"Do I know him?" He questioned but I stayed silent. "Was I close to him?" I stayed silent again. "Fuck" he screamed slamming his hands down on the table. "Who fucking was it Lucy?!" He shouted angrily. I have never ever seen George lose his temper like this. I did this to him.

"I'm sorry George, I can't tell you" I cried even harder.

"Then we're done" and as simple as that he walked off. I didn't even try fight for him. I couldn't. I was too weak. I could barely even breath. I never realised at the time what I was doing with Josh would turn out like this. Now that everything with George is over I don't want to be anywhere near Josh, I don't even want to see his face. People say 'it's only yourself to blame' but it's not Josh pushed me into this Josh made this happen.

After about an hour of sitting on the roof top crying I decided its better to get my stuff out of Georges room sooner than later. I stood at the side of the road trying to get a taxi to stop. I wiped the tears off my face but more kept replacing them. A taxi finally stopped. I got in and told them to take me back to the hotel. When I got into the hotel lobby I saw Ella looking at me funny before running over to me.

"Lucy what's up? I saw George run in here not to long ago looking an absolute state, what happened?" The mention of his name made my tears run faster.

"N-Nothing E-Ella I'm F-Fine" I stuttered out the lie though my sobs then walked off, nothing more said. I got into the lift and went up to the correct floor. When the lift doors opened I hesitated before walking out. I walked to slowest I've ever walked down the corridor. Trying to postpone reaching Georges room. I turned the corner so that his room door was now in sight. There was something outside his door and once I got closer I realised it was my bags. He'd packed all my stuff and thrown it out into the hall. I didn't even consider knocking the door I just grabbed my bags and ran. Down the corridor, into the lift, then out the lift and then I paused. Where am I going? I got a taxi to the furthest away hotel right on the other side of London. I checked in using the money from my previous job. When I got to my room I sat on my bed and just let it all out. I sobbed for about an hour before deciding to go on twitter. First I checked the trends. No. #HopeYourOkGeorgey was trending. It can't be about George. I dared clicking on in. It came up with loads of pictures of George. Pictures of him running into the hotel with tears streaming down his face. I burst out in more tears. I can't do this he's all over twitter. I deactivated my account.

I guess this is a new chapter of my life.

No George

No Josh

No Union J

No X Factor



Ok I think you can tell by that last line that there WILL be a sequel!

Ahhh I'm so sad it's finished :(

Please tell me what you think of the last chapter, no Gucy, no Losh, What do you think about that?

Most fanfic a finish with a happy ending. Not really the case here. I wanted to leave it open so it will be easy for the sequel.

I am over whelmed by all the feed back from everyone on here and twitter. OVER 9K READS LIKE WHAT?!?! That's mental! I didn't ever expect this to get 1K so thank you guys so so so much! Ily all and I hope you all read the sequel too. I will upload a epilogue soon and then I will upload information about the sequel.

Thank you all for being amazing Ly <3

~Georges Girls~

(Twitter- @GeorgesNoodles)

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