Chapter11 Stay calm

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I woke up on the couch in the Curtis brother's living room with a cold wet wash cloth on my forehead. I rose up slowly because I had a slight headache. My panic attacks are getting a lot more frequent. I walked to the kitchen and decided I'd make breakfast for the pigs (all the guys). I made gravy, which I'm not to hot about but everyone else loves it, eggs, I don't like them either, bacon and biscuits. Two-Bit, Steve, Dally and the girls walked in. It's as if they have a radar for when food is being cooked here.

Ponyboy sleepily walked out of his and Soda's room. He ran into the wall, then the chair, then the couch. When he came into the kitchen he tripped and just layed there with a confused expression on his face trying to take in what had just happened. I busted out into laughter. Everyone came to see what was going on when they spotted Ponyboy and busted out into laughter as well. When he finally got up he was super embarrassed because he was redder than a mater.

"Hey whatcha cookin'?" Soda asked as he came out of the shower and Darry came out of his room at the same time.

"Food," I replied being the smart elic I am.

"I know that, what kind of food."

"The kind you put in your mouth and eat," I said as everyone started snickering.

"Smart ass," he said as he went to get some clothes on considering he was wearing a towel. Everyone burst into laughter. I smirked as he glared at me.

"So how us feelin' kid?" Two-Bit asked when everyone calmed down.

"Pretty good, just got a little bit of a headache," I replied.

"Well I hope you feel better soon," Ponyboy said with a caring smile.

"Thanks," I said sitting the food on the table. The guys ran to the table and dug in. I laughed and started to make the chocolate cake.

Once that everyone was done eating they went to go watch Mickey Mouse. I was leaning against the sink and got startled when the timer went off. I jumped a bit then chuckled to myself as I got the cake out of the oven.

"I SMELL CAKE," Two-Bit yelled as he ran into the kitchen. I looked at Monica with the 'and you like that' face. She shyly smiled and went back to watching Tv. Two-Bit came back out of the kitchen with cake and beer. He has weird eating habits.

I was bored of sitting in the house and Soda, Steve, and Darry were at work. I decided I was gonna go for a walk and get these lazy ass mofo's to actually do something.

"Aye, you lazy asses wanna go for walk, either way Imma make y'all get up and do something besides sit around all damn day watchin' Tv and gettin' fat everyday." I said standing up.

"Maybe we like being lazy," Amanda said defensively.

"Well it's not healthy now get up and let's go walk!" I screamed at them. They finally got up and we headed out.

After ten minutes of walking my phone rang. It was a private number so I felt a little scared.

"H-hello?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Hello Kathy, you know who this is and I just want you to know I WILL find you and FINISH what I started," he said and I could just imagine the smirk on his face after he said that. I hung up and felt like crying. Tears were forming in my eyes and I was trying to hold them back.

"Who was that Kat?" Johnny asked sounding a bit worried.

"M-M-Mason," I said sounding very scared, my voice was breaking and it was shaky.

"Kathy, just stay calm, we don't want you having another panic attack," Two-Bit said worriedly.

"I'm... Trying... To," I said between deep breathes.

"C'mon, just keep breathing, everything's going to be fine, just breathe," Ponyboy said wrapping arm around me trying to help me calm down. It was actually helping and I was calm. I'm glad I had my friends there to help me stay calm when I almost loose it

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