AU Yandere!Male!Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) - His Tutor

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sorry (y/n)-senpai!  This is Yuno, my roommate." I gave the pink-haired young man a  once-over, taking note of his clean uniform. Giving him a smile I held  out my hand.

"So you are the  notorious roommate who Yuki-san is always talking about! Well, I have to  say, you don't look like a troublemaker. Maybe it's all the girls  following a cute guy like you home that interrupts his study?" Giving  him a playful wink, I turned back to Yuki, ignoring the beginnings of  Yuno's denial of my words. "Actually, looking at the two of you, if I  didn't know you from work I would have placed my bet on you being the  troublemaker, Yuki-san."


"And that is how you  will find the answer to the extra credit problems he always gives on his  mid-term exams. If he actually bothers to change it for once, this  should at least come in handy for some of the later tests he will give  you during the rest of the term." Exhausted, I sat the pencil down on  the counter and stood up, heading over to the kitchen. "Either of you  want some coffee? I have tea too, if you'd prefer. Oh, there might be  some milk still in the fridge if I didn't use it all yesterday for  breakfast."

Opening the door, I  reached into the fridge and began shifting things around as I looked for  the milk that might be hiding behind various other containers and  packages that tried to fill the top shelf.

"No need to put yourself  out. You are already doing us both such a huge favor, it wouldn't be  right to expect anything more from you! We'll just get ourselves  something on the way back to the dorms!" Hearing his words, I turned to  face him for a moment before turning back and rummaging through the  fridge again as I began pulling various items out onto the nearby  counter.

Even Yuki couldn't say  anything in denial after the loud grumble of Yuno's stomach had filled  the kitchen, mine and Yuki's following along shortly after. We might  have been studying a bit longer than we had thought, something confirmed  with a quick glance at the nearby clock.

"The least I can do is  see to it that my guests are fed before sending you guys off for the  day." Waving the boys out of the kitchen, I began preparing a simple but  filling meal for three.


With my assistance, both  of the young men I had been tutoring had passed their classes with  flying colors last semester. During the break between semesters, all  three of us could be found hanging out together whenever we had the  chance, having built a stronger friendship over the past several weeks.

Even Yuno finally  started acting somewhat more friendly, although he had taken to spending  a lot of time on his phone. Every once in a while I would tease him  about texting one of his fans (it's amazing how many girls and boys  followed him around with looks of adoration on their faces), but he  would just blush cutely and deny having an interest in any of them,  although he did let it slip one time that there was someone he liked. He  refused to say anything more about them, no matter how many times me  and Yuki asked him, both of us happy with the idea of being able to help  him get together with whoever the lucky person was.

Setting the spoon back  into the bowl, I smiled at the two seated across from me on the spread  out blanket, enjoying the feel of the sun shining down on us. It really  was a perfect day for a picnic with the sky clear of all but a few soft  looking cotton white clouds, flower buds just beginning to appear on the  plants that had only just begun sprouting leaves again recently. Yes,  Spring really was trying to make its appearance as Winter had finally  released the hold it had for so long.

If only days like this could last forever.


This was the third time  this month that something had gone missing. I could have sworn the shirt  had been in the laundry bin, but now that I was putting everything away  after the trip to the laundromat I just couldn't find it. Maybe it was  still in the washer or dryer. I'd better go back and check to make sure I  didn't leave it behind.

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