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You awoke in a empty bed, cold and tired. For a moment you wondered where Dan was but that was soon answered when you heard Dan singing Toxic from the kitchen.
You smiled. It was so awfully amazing singing. You got out of bed and put on your dressing gound and walked to the kitchen.
Dan was frying some eggs "With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride" he sings and dances.
You join in, surprising him that you're up. "You're toxic I'm slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic"
He smiles and dances the theme tune "du dulu du duller dur dur dududer" he makes a funny face trying to reach a high note.
You laugh, sitting on a chair around the kitchen table.
"How long have you been up?" You ask Dan while he puts the eggs into two plates and butters some bread. "Not too long. I decided to make you breakfast since we haven't really had chance to sit with each other this week"
You nodded. You hadn't, you had been so busy with university and Dan with his tour.
"Well we got today" you say cheerfully.
Dan smiles and puts a plate infront of you and then him.
"Thank you" you say
"For what?" Dan asks a little confused.
"For being my boyfriend. I don't deserve you" you say. You had never had someone who treated you like this.
He holds your hand and smiles
"Y/N I don't deserve you, you are the most beautiful, kind hearted person I have ever met and I love you"

"Good morning, Good morning, to you" Phil wakes you up singing.
You muffle a noobut Phil continues until you move your head from your pillow.
You look up and see Phil holding a tray. He makes you sit up and puts it over your lap.
He made you your favourite with a cup of tea next to it and a single red rose.
"What's this?" You asked amazed and shocked.
"It's just a nice thing I thought you'd like" Phil says getting into the bed next to you.
"And I know how hard this week's been so I thought this would cheer you up"
Phil smiles.
"Phil.. thank you" you say almost speechless.

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