He ignores me, leaving me on my own. He crawls into the ambulance, spreading off with sirens blaring seconds later.

I'm left with the left over police cleaning the scene. My body stays frozen as another reminds me to back up.

"He's my boyfriend" I speak, voice shaking with my hands.

The officers eyes widen, standing up from a kneel in the streets. He approaches me, a flip book ready at hand.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Can you?" I shoot back.

"You're boyfriend was a victim of a hit and run. Miss..."


"Do you know where he was going Miss, Rose"

"I'm sorry I- I need to get to the hospital" I began to grow restless, and upset.

"Ma'am we can take you but I need you to stay calm and answer some questions first"

I nod, tears beginning to streak my face.
"Will he be okay?"

"It's hard to tell right now. What's his name?"

"Jace, Norman"

"Do you know where he was going?"

"Uh- flower shop? I'm not- I'm not sure why he was supposed to just be checking sights in the lobby"

"It's okay Miss Rose. You guys are tourists?"

"We just got here today..."

"How old is Jace?"


"He's from America?"

I nod, spacing out. My sight damaging from tears streaming across my eyelashes.
"Listen you can ask me questions at the hospital or not but I'm leaving. Could you get my parents? Room 227, tell them to meet me at the hospital".

I jog down the street without response, calling for a taxi. One pulls over almost instantly. I barely get in the car before I tell him to get to hospital.

He steps on it quick, sensing my urgency, although he didn't get very far through the traffic.

Almost an hour pasts before I open the door. Not even allowing the taxi to stop before throwing change to the passenger seat getting out.

I get to the front desk, praying there's no complications this time around.

I blurt out his name, her research feeling like it'd take years for him to find him.

"He's in intensive care, ma'am. Floor six"

I skip the elevator, jumping up the stairs in a rush.

I rush for nothing, getting up the floor and being stopped by the first doctor that laid eyes on me.

"Can I help you?"

"Jace Norman. I'm here to see him"

"Hit and run case..." The doctor sighs, letting his papers dangle to his side within his hand.
"Are his parents here?"

"We're on vacation. I'm the only family he has here."

"Jace is suffering from internal bleeding. We've felt with cases like this but never at a car going over fifty. We're doing what we can, but I don't want your hopes up. He'll be lucky to make it out."

"Can I see him?" I begin to cry once more.

"I'm afraid we're operating on him now. I will let you know when you are able"

He leaves me to myself, walking down the the hallway.

I wipe my face, finding the lobby. Relief floods to my body at the familiar faces.

"Emily! What happened?" My mom stands to meet me, my dad following behind.

"Jace, mom..."

Her face sinks, hugging me tightly as I began to sob into my hands.
"He said he wanted an abortion, we've been arguing this entire time and, I don't want it to end. Not like this" I stutter out, my head still down in her hug.

"Abortion?" My dad cuts in.

"He'll be okay sweetie, I'm sure of it" my mom ignores him.

My head shakes violently,
"They said he probably wouldn't make it"

"Doctors are wrong sometimes..."

I meet her eyes with mine, tears blocking my connection,
" I love him mom. And I'm loosing him."

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