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Chapter 1


Army Office Building (1991)

My name is Diana Prince, formerly Diana of Themyscira and I am 23 years old. I had to change my name so Ares, the God of War couldn't find me. I've been living on Man's World for almost 12 years now. I can't say I like it as much as Themyscira but it has it's redeeming qualities.

The technology here is different. I like the entertainment devices like TVs. A TV is something you would never find on Themyscira. The sports here are different too. On Themyscira, there were sports that caused participants to never walk again. Here, sports like Football and Rugby are the only "dangerous" sports. You get tackled and get back up.

While some men are pigs, Alfred, the man who raised me after my mother, is kind. He has taught me many thing like how to ride a bike, proper etiquette, and even new combat moves and new academic knowledge. And Bruce... My best friend Bruce, was a good friend to grow up with. Better than Artemis who bullied me all the time. While he wasn't as strong as me or as fast as me, one could argue he was smarter than me academically, definitely not battle wise though. Unfortunately Bruce left for combat training in Asia so it's just me and Alfred now.

I've been working at the Pentagon as an assistant to General Samuel Lane for a three months. I don't go into any battles or wars with him, I just get him food and drinks when he needs it while he's doing paperwork. He treats me (like all his other assistants) like I'm a nobody. He'll yell and scream if his coffee isn't to him fast enough, he cry like a whiny baby if he's not getting his food in time. I hate him but it's the only job I could get. I would hate to be his daughter. To be honest, it doesn't that pay bad, the boss just sucks.

I work night shifts, when General Lane is cranky the most. He's in his small office with paperwork piled on his desk, higher than Mount Olympus. I wish I would've taken the day shift.

"Diana! Get me my damn coffee! It's 8:00. You should be getting my coffee at 7:58 and arriving here at 7:59, ready to hand me my coffee at 8:00! Do you realize how many lives could be lost if I fall asleep because I didn't have my coffee?!" General Lane questioned me.

"I'm sorry General Lane." I said as I wore a black dress with high black heels.

"Another screw up like this and you'll be out of your job!" General Lane yelled.

This tempered me, more than usual. Is he threatening me my job because I couldn't get him coffee fast enough? He may have a lot on his hands but he won't fall asleep if I get him his coffee thirty seconds late.

"I quit!" I screamed at him, "You're threatening me my job over coffee! I don't need to work for a pig like you!"

I threw my badge at his desk and stormed out of the Pentagon. What I done? I don't have a job now? Alfred won't be happy. I need to find a new job, ASAP.

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