14. As If Things Weren't Bad Enough

Start from the beginning

"You mean we're going to stay out there overnight? Explore the walls a little more closely?"

"No, not yet. Maybe soon though. Man, what a way to wake up. Come on, let's go."

I finally spoke up without even thinking.

"Wait! Let me come with ya'll."

The boys turned and stared at me like I had lost my mind. I probably did. Going out into the Maze was the last thing I wanted to do after what happened last time, but I had to. I needed to help do something that was actually useful. It seemed pointless to stay around the Glade and clean after the turn of events. Besides, I wanted to try to look for Gally while we were in there. All I wanted was to find him and make sure he was alright and try to convince him to help us find a way out before we all dropped dead. I clenched my fists at my sides as I stared them down, showing that I didn't have a sudden change of heart. Minho studied me for a long moment before nodding and turning to jog off.

"Okay, come on. We don't have time to get you any running shoes, so you'll just have to deal with it."

"Fine with me. Chucky, you're in charge. Make sure everyone works hard!"

Once Chuck left to get to work, the boys ran off and quickly got ready. They came running back out and slung me a pack before heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. As we ate as quickly as possible, I noticed that Thomas was lost in thought once again. I knew whatever he was thinking about had to be important. So, I quickly grabbed his hand underneath the table and began to write letter after letter with my index finger. He was smart, so I knew that he would understand.

Tell me.

He hastily wrote something into my palm.

It's nothing.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a stern look before grabbing his palm once more.

Don't lie to me.

He gave me a defeated look before finally giving in.

She said something to me in my head again last night.

My eyebrow raised in curiosity.


She said she had just triggered the Ending.

I let go of his hand when I noticed Minho was done with his breakfast. I quickly gave Thomas a look, showing him that I wanted to talk more about it later. We all stood up and quickly made our way into the Maze. We hadn't gotten far into the Maze when we saw it. A Griever. My breath caught in my throat as I planted my feet firmly on the ground to stop myself from running away. Thomas and I pressed ourselves against the wall as we waited for Minho to peek around the corner. I ignored what Minho was saying as I franitcally tried to calm my racing heart. Before I knew it, they were running around the corner, leaving me behind.

I forced my legs to stop shaking as I turned the corner and sprinted after them. I couldn't help wishing that Gally was here. He always seemed to make me feel safe. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I followed behind Minho and Thomas. Why are we chasing a Griever anyway? Do these shanks have a death wish?! I ran right into Thomas' back and fell onto my butt. I gave him a glare and started to ask why he had stopped so suddenly when I caught sight of the end of the corridor. It was the Cliff.

I watched in amazement as the Griever ran right toward it, leaping out into the gray sky and disappearing. Minho and Thomas inched toward the edge of the Cliff, staring down into the gray abyss. Finally, Minho spoke.

"That settles it."

Thomas glanced at him before turning his attention back to the Cliff.

"Settles what?"

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyWhere stories live. Discover now