Professor Modzilla x Aphmau (Mod Mod World)

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Professor Modzilla's P.O.V
I was sitting in my lab, waiting for Aphmau to come in. That girl lights up my day, I swear. I need her to test out a potion I recently made. I think she is from the Cute Girls mod? Not sure. Tommy was hanging out with Megan so I was sitting down, just waiting for Aphmau while chewing on my pen. I heard the iron door open. I saw Aphmau walk up to my desk smiling. "Hey, Modzilla! Anything happen today?" Aphmau said with the brightest smile. Her smile is so cute! "Ah.. well, I need you to test out a potion for me." I said while smiling back. Aphmau's smile evaporated and her eyebrows went up. "What is it?" Aphmau asked. "It's a love potion." I explained. Aphmau's eyes popped open. "Modzilla, I don't want to fall in love with anyone!" Aphmau stated. I bit my lip. Noone? Wait, why do I care about that? "I swear, I will explain to EVERYONE about this so you don't get a bad reputation." I promised to Aphmau. She bit her lip and picked up the potion and drank it hesitantly. I bit my lip with watching her. She looked at me and her eyes went in hearts and she blushed. "Modzilla! You're so cute~~!" Aphmau said while staring at me. I blushed. The potion worked, obviously. Polly walked in and saw the broken potion, Aphmau with particles around her and heart eyes, and me writing down stuff. She got angry. "THAT'S WHY SHE DIDN'T CHECK ON US! WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER, JERK!?" Polly said while getting up in my face. Aphmau hissed at her. "GET OFF MY MAN, GURL." Aphmau yelled at Polly. Polly gasped. "YOU GAVE HER A LOVE POTION? MODZILLA, IM TELLING LAILA!" Polly threatened. Oh Notch...
Aphmau's P.O.V
Who does that woman think she is, getting up in my man's face?! She better not show her face again or else. Modzilla~Senpai looks so nerdy and hawt!! Ah....... That jerk and her jerkier friend showed up. "MODZILLA! YOU GAVE APHMAU A LOVE POTION? ARE YOU NUTS?!?" The rainbow girl yelled at my senpai. "U-uh, well...." Senpai stuttered. I feel LOVE between them! *gasp* and senpai has a love dovey history with the blonde! I got up in the rainbow's face. "GURL. DON'T TALK TO MY MAN LIKE THAT! YOU WANNA GO?!" I threatened her. She looked shocked and backed away with the blonde, success! Now all I need is to kiss senpai! Tehe!
Professor Modzilla's P.O.V
Maybe giving Aphmau a love potion was not such a good idea... She looked at me with heart eyes. "Senpai! Kiss me!" Aphmau begged. My eyes widened. "Uh, no. Im fine." I stated. Aphmau shook her head and walked towards me. Next thing you know I can feel the wall. She pinned me to the wall and... kissed me. Her lips felt warm and soft. I... I think I love Aphmau. Aphmau's eye hearts went away and she pulled back. She looked confused and soon realized what just happened. "Huh? Wha- OH MY NOTCH! MODZILLA, I AM SO, SO SORRY!" Aphmau shouted apologetically. I kissed her again. "I love you." I said. "I love you too.".

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