Chapter 18: What just happened?

Start from the beginning

"Yes I am."

"Well it's up to you and please decide quickly because Caitlyn needs it immediately or she will die." Why do I need to decide this for her? What would Avery say?

"How much would you have to take?" I asked.

"Not a lot," he said. "I promise. Just enough to keep Caitlyn alive." Well, the entire reason Avery is in a coma is that she wants to save Caitlyn so, she would want to do that right?

"Then go ahead. Avery would want you to."

"Thank you Mr. Tomlinson," he said before running away to the operation room. As soon as he was gone, Liam hugged me.

"Thank you Louis," he said. "Thank you so much." Then the elevator dinged and out walked Josh, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Jocelyn, Briana, Holly, and Erica. Niall still looked traumatized from what happened to Caitlyn. Poor Niall. Jocelyn ran up to me.

"Where's Avery? Is she okay? What happened to her? When are we going to be able to see her?"

"She's in a coma Jocelyn," I said.

"What? Why?" Erica asked.

"She had an asthma attack," I told them.

"Doesn't she have an inhaler?" Briana asked.

"I don't know if I should tell you what happened," I told them. "That's up to Avery and Caitlyn.

"Is Caitlyn okay?" Holly asked.

"She will be," said Liam. "After the operation."

"Operation?" Erica asked. "Why would she need an operation?"

"I can't tell you," Liam said.

We all went to the waiting room and after a few agonizing minutes of endless pacing and questions, a doctor finally called Liam and I.

"Well, Avery is in a coma. She might be able to hear you. It's hard to tell. We don't know when she'll wake up or what she will remember when she does. At least she's breathing though. Caitlyn is awake and she can't really move much because she id so covered in stitches. She'll have to stay here until they can come out. Who stopped the bleeding before the ambulance got to you?"

"Avery," I said. "She wouldn't leave Caitlyn even though she was having an asthma attack."

"Well then Avery is a hero." I already know that. She's my baby girl. Why can't she just be okay again?

"Can we go see them?" I asked, trying to stop hyperventilating.

"Yes, I'll take you to the room now. Do you have anyone else here with you?" I nodded and gestured for the rest of the group to follow us. Then the doctor led us to the room where Avery and Caitlyn were. Avery looked like he might just be sleeping. I wish she was just sleeping. Caitlyn was tucked into the blankets, probably because she didn't want the girls to see how many stitches she got. She looked tired, but at least she was alive. Liam ran over to Caitlyn and hugged her. She flinched, and he backed off. The others came in and they looked at Avery for a few seconds and then one by one they hugged Caitlyn and then sat down in one of the chairs that had been set up in the room.

"I'm so sorry Louis," Caitlyn said. "It's all my fault. I was so stupid and if there is anything I can do to make anything any better, then I promise I will do it." I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to that. She was right, it was her fault. But she didn't know that Avery would try to help her. She was trying to punish herself, but she was stupid too. I looked back at my baby girl and held her hand. She was completely unresponsive. I just stood there for I don't know how long, staring at Avery. How could this happen to her? Of all people why does this need to happen to my little girl? She's already been through too much as it is. Wait a minute. Are people talking? I don't care. Ok, now someone is waving their hand in front of my face. What do they want?

"Louis?" Harry asked. "Are you okay?" I nodded. Just to make him feel better. "We're leaving now," he said. How long was I zoned out for?


Author's Note

Hi peoples! Guess what! I got bored so I wrote a new chapter! Thank you so much for reading my story. You are superawesomepeoplebecauseyoureadmystoryandmakemewritemorebecauseyouaresoawesomeandeveryoneelseshouldbejelousofyourawesomenessbecausethatshowawesomeyouareandyouaresoawesomethatyouareawesomedirectionersuperheroesthathavethepowertoflytoholmeschapelinenglandandmullingarinirelandandwolverhamptoninenglandandbradfordinenglandandevendoncasterinenglandsomeetharryedwardstylesandnialljameshoranandliamjamespayneandzaynjavaadmalikandlouiswilliamtomlinsoninthatorderbecausethatistheorderthattheygoinfromyoungesttooldestandthatisalsowheretheylivebecauseiamaninsanedirectionerwhoknowsallbecauseofawesomenessandnowifyouhavedecodedthisthenyouhavegainedonedirectioninformationwithyourawesomenessandnowknowwheretheylivebecauseyouaresoawesomeandthatisjusthowawesomeyouareandyourawesomenessgoestoinfinityandbeyonebecauseliamlovestoystoryandhewouldpossiblyfindthatfunnyalthoughiseriouslydoubtthathewouldeverlaughatitbecausehewillneverreadthis. I bet you can't figure out what that means. Yes, my little clue thingamajig whatever it's called has become harder. @KenzieandAudrey is or are awesome and they decoded the last one. I don't know if I should say is or are because on one hand, they only have one account, but on the other hand, that account is owned by two people. Aaah! Grammar confusion! Go follow them anyway. KenzieandAudrey, whenever you are reading this, go make a sticker that says "I am an awesome directioner" and wear it on yourforehead because unfortunately, I can not send you a sticker through the computer. But that is no reason not to tell the world how awesome you are. I can however send out imaginary lollipops through the computer. So here is one for all of you just because you read this. And now I present a challenge. Go to your family and give them all imaginary lollipops just to see how they react. I don't know if that will be really boring or really funny. I guess I'll have to find out. If you do that, then tell me what they did in the comments. Maybe it will be funny, maybe it won't. I just felt like giving you a challenge. If you do that before my next update, you get a dedication. If you somehow manage to decode my super long word thingamabob, then first of all, you are a superawesomegenius, and if you write it in the comments, I will write a thingamajig for you like I did for KenzieandAudrey in this one and then you can make a sticker. Sure I guess you can make one anyway, but if you do then it will weigh on your conscience forever because you will know that you didn't earn it. O_o I don't really know what that face is supposed to be but it looks cool so I'm keeping it there. Seriously though, I doubt that any of you will be able to, because in the time it took me to write that, it caused me to now have to train my fingers to type spaces and capital letters again. So, are you up for the challenge? I doubt it, but maybe you can prove me wrong. So tell your friends about my story. Who knows? Maybe they can figure out my weirdnesswordstuff. And follow me, I'll follow you back. Vote for my story. If you do, you get an invisible chocolate box. Hmm? That's the first time I've ever given those out huh. Does that make you want to vote? Probably not, but do it anyway. I have been especially crazy today and maybe it made you laugh. Maybe it didn't. I really have no idea. I need to publish this though before 2014 so I must stop writing this now. Don't worry. There is still plenty of crazy left for future chapters. Bye my little (insert animal name here).


PS. Boo!

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