*Chapter 57

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Warning: sexual scene, detailed at the end of the chapter. You may read till you reach it and if you aren't into these type of scenes then skip it.

I clutched Bob tightly to my chest as I sobbed against him. I couldn't sleep, I just couldn't. I tried and tried but couldn't, we have arrived hours ago and I lost count of how many hours I stayed awake. I snuggled my face against his shoulder hoping that he would wrap his arms around me and comfort me but he didn't.

How could a bear hug me?

Footsteps passed by the door and they stopped before backing and stopping in front of my door. A knock came at my door and I tried to hold my sobs hoping that person would just go away. He didn't get the message though as the door opened revealing Ammar. He frowned when he saw me bawling my eyes out and got in closing the door behind him.

He just stared at me as I continued crying against the bears chest. He inched closer to me watching me intently as he neared me more. Ammar was never good with this crying thing, he just felt awkward and didn't know what to do. He never told me anything, I figured it out by myself. When he saw any girl of us crying, he would call for the rest and tell them to deal with it and he would watched from a few meters away, but enough to listen to the conversation.

His hand raised slightly and it hung in the air for a while but knowing what to do with it. He lowered it back to place it on my thigh. The look I gave to him, made him move it quickly and he pulled Bob from my tight embrace against him. He placed Bob aside as the tears fell down my cheeks silently and neared me till our knees were touching.

"(Why are you crying?)" His voice came out soft and he rested his hand on his knee.

"(A lot of reasons, Ammar.)" I knew I looked ridiculous while crying so I covered my face with my hands. "(I never wanted to kill those guys at the war. They may have had a family, or siblings that loved them. They may have had life that was awaiting for them. I never wanted my father to divorce my mother. I wanted a complete perfect family, but they fought a lot and they were always arguing, then this cheating thing popped out of nowhere and I had to protect my mother and my family just how my grandfather asked. It's not only because he asked, it's because I wanted to. I didn't want you to break up with Graziella because of me. I didn't want to talk that harshly to Alia, I really didn't. I just thought that this way, things may be better, but I guess it didn't. I think I messed it up, and I'm sorry. I just was looking out for you, and I didn't know how would you feel, sad, mad or angry at me, I really don't know. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry, Ammar, for-)"

I was interrupted by his lips pressing against mine. I was frozen in place as he moved his lips against mine, he held my hands in his and continued kissing me hungrily. I snapped out of my shock and pushed his chest backing away further into the bed leaving enough space between us. My lips parted as I breathed heavily and stayed at him in disbelief. He looked hurt and shocked as I rejected him, well, he was wrong if he thought I was gonna kiss him back.

"Why the duck did you do that?" I hissed keeping my voice low, in case someone was sleeping.

"(Why can't you understand that I fucking love you? I love you so much it hurts, Fatma. I loved you for five years and you never noticed that. I watched you date Marawan and didn't complain, or didn't do anything. I loved you since-)" I raised my hand stopping him from saying anything.

"(This conversation never happened, Ammar. Can you leave please?)" I stood up and paced back and forth in the room running a hand through my hair.

"(Fatma, I'm sorry. I-I want us to start over. I don't want anything to step in front of our friendship. I know I was confusing you back then, and I know that I didn't show much emotion. But I'm telling you know that I really love you.)" His eyes held mine and I stopped in my tracks staring at his hopeful eyes.

A dream that came trueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora