Chapter 32

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Fatma. Happy birthday to you." The door burst open and five guys were surrounding the bed singing.

The duvet was ripped away from my body and I opened one eye. "Give it back." I said sleepy. Harry shook his head and threw the duvet away. "Harold!" I exclaimed knowing it annoys him.

When they didn't move I stood up cursing on my way to the bathroom. I stomped my foot against the floor and slammed the door shut. I went back out to take my clothes from the closet before going to the bathroom again. Then I went back again to get a pad but of course making sure they didn't see. They were laughing at my annoyed expression.

"Fuck you." I said before entering the bathroom. That caused them to laugh even louder. I took a quick hot shower before slipping my undergarments on. I wore a button down jeans shirt, skinny jeans that matched it and tucked the shirt in it. I went outside to find the room empty and dried my hair then curled the ends of it. I grabbed my tan belt and boots before putting them on.

I put my mascara before grabbing my phone and jogging downstairs. Smell of scrambled eggs, avocados, jalepenos filled my nostrils as I entered the kitchen. Different kinds of food were spread on the table and a smile made it's way on my face. I looked to find Zayn wearing a hot pink apron and pouring the scrambled eggs in the plate.

"Happy birthday!" Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam excialmed as they noticed my presence. I smiled at them and said a thanks. I walked over to Zayn and kissed his cheek.

"Happy birthday!" He said smiling at me. I smiled back before going to make my latte. "Your latte is here your majesty." Zayn said nodding towards the table. I gave him a peck on the lips and we went to eat breakfast.

To say it was delicious was an understandment. The recepies was all from Jamie Oliver my favorite chef. He is adorkable. Zayn made my latte way better than I do it.

"Thank you." I told him after we had finished breakfast. He just grinned in response. I told him I will make the dishes. I just put them in the dishwasher, easy pizie.

My phone rang and I answered it. My family sang their happy birthday and wished me to have a good day before hanging up. Them my aunts, uncles, grandpa, grandmas, cousins, friends also called me. I just sat there for an hour receiving phone calls. But what surprised me that my old German teacher called me.

"Hallo!" I answered.

"Hallo, Fatma. Wie gehts dir?" She asked me.

"Sehr gut, Frau. Und Sie?" I asked her. I missed her so much. We haven't seen each other in like forever.

"Gut. Alles gute zum Geburtstag!" She said happily.

I laughed and said "Vielen Dank, Frau. Wie geht Reem?" Reem was an old friend of mine. Well you cant say friends we were sort of frenemies. She is just so bipolar it annoys me.

"Sie ist gut, Honig. Sie erzählte mir, dass Ihnen datieren Zayn Malik. Ist das richtig?" She asked surprised.

I smiled before answering. "Ja, sie ist sehr richtig."

"Wie ist er? Wird er behandelt dich gut?" She asked seriously.

"Ja, sehr gut, Frau. Ich bin ein großes Mädchen keine Notwendigkeit, um mich keine Sorgen." I answered with a small laugh. Zayn was watching me with and amused expression the whole time.

"Gut. Tschüs, ich muss jetzt gehen." She said.

"Tschüs." I said before hanging up. Zayn walked to me and placed his hands on the counter either side of me. The only thing I'm hearing right now was my heart beating erratically in my chest and my breath.

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