Chapter 56

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The air whipped my hair away from my face as I rolled the windows down while driving. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel with the beat and making some dance moves in my place. I didn't want to go alone honestly but I also needed some time alone, for myself.

The smell of the beach filled my nostrils as I neared the Villa. I slowed down my speed and parked at the garage. I stepped out of the car and took my suitcase out after me. I sighed looking in front of me at the big house then unlocked it stepping inside.

It was tidied and clean, my mom told me that they went there a few days ago and just arrived yesterday early in the morning, which was a relief since I wasn't going to clean. I left my suitcase by the door inside and went to get the grocery bags.

I unpacked the grocery bags first then went upstairs to unpack my suitcase in my room. After unpacking I changed into my bikini and slipped on my loose crop top and my waterproof shorts. I ties the bandana at the back of my head and placed my cowboy hat on my head then my sandals on my legs.

I tucked my phone in my pocket and made sure my bracelets and necklaces were on. I jogged downstairs and grabbed a banana then ate it. I left from the door leading straight to the beach and inhaled in the scent of the beach. I walked closer in the sand feeling it's warmth under my feet.

"Hey, girl. Whats up?" Sam greeted me smiling and giving me a hug.

"Hey, Sam. How are you doing?" I asked and accepted the Pepsi she handed me.

"Fine. Where have you been hiding all these days?" She asked with a soft frown on her beautiful face, her tone held a Russian accent.

"London." She stopped walling and turned to me gaping.

"You didn't." She said lowly shaking her head her mouth still agape.

"I got accepted there. Sorry, forgot to tell you." I said smiling apologetically at her.

"Jesus Christ, you've changed so much." She said taking in my new appearance and looks. She held my hand and twirled me around. "Your hair color is amazing."

"Gonna change it soon though." I said and we walked in the bar taking seats by an empty table.

"Why?" She said in a sad tone pouting.

"I've had this color for like five months and half and I wanna have a new haircut, color and so." I said waving my hand in the air and took a sip from my pep.

"What color?" She asked and a guy wrapped an arm round her waist kissing her temple.

"Hey, babe." He said, his voice raspy and sexy at the same time.

"Hey, honey." She smiled at him, a loving smile that lit his whole face. "Ashton, this is Fatma. Fatma this is Ashton my boyfriend."

I smiled politely at him and he smiled back, "Hey." I said and looked down at my Pepsi cause I'm really awkward at beginning a conversation.

"This is Fatma?" I heard him ask her in surprise. "Well, I think I changed my mind, honey, I'm breaking up with you." She started at him wide eyed gaping as he continued teasing her.

"How dare you?" She said glaring at him.

"You didn't tell me she was that hot. Should have warned from the beginning, not my fault there." He said in a fake serious tone that j stifled a laugh.

"But-I-we.." she continued stuttering and he laughed out loud making a few heads turn to gibe us curious stares.

"Gosh, your face was price-less." She glared at him as he continued laughing. She dumped the tea in her hand on his head and I gasped just as he did.

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