Chapter 36

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"How is the weather in Egypt? And people? Are they like here?" Liam asked Fatma. We are now gathered around the fire in a circle. The tents were behind the chairs to be close to the fire. We are drinking and eating the things that Fatma prepared today as we talk.

"In summer it's so fucking hot and you're like always angry or you feel like punching something. And it's more annoying when at school the air conditioner isn't working and you should be welcoming information in your brain in this weather. In winter it rarely rains and if it did maybe once or twice but the weather is windy. The whether is always moderate in Egypt." She answered and took a sip from her hot beverage before continuing. She looked so cute with her nose and cheeks pink from the cold, curled in the chair, her hood over her head and her hair falling to her sides.

"People there are so helpful and kind. There are many kinds of people. You can rarely find a good friend that you can depend on. Friends talk about each other behind each others backs. My cousin left Hurghada because of that, her friends and people who doesn't even know her talk behind her back and invent non true stories and blah blah blah. She looked so sick and tired from all this drama so she moved to Cairo and thank God she found a good guy now that treats her well. There are other people that pretends to be your friend but in their hearts it's something else.

"I hate those fake people. Like why would you pretend, you can just tell me that you hate me in my face and hurt my feelings rather than pretend to love me. I wont kill you or anything. There are also people that are real friends, always there for you, having your back in hard times, defending you and being protective over you. There are also friends who betray you, suddenly your enemy. People can make you feel a good person and a bad person at the same time. You style that is shoeing your character. And people are being so judgmental in Egypt. They give you disgusted looks when they even know nothing but your name. I want to tell them don't judge a book by it's cover and don't be so judgmental but I would give them my sweetest smile and walk away like nothing affected me when in reality I'm burning from inside." She said while looking at distance.

That was so deep. This girl has been through so much. Why is the world so cruel on her when she is the sweetest person you will ever meet. She is sweet and funny when you treat her well. But she turns into hard stone if you treat her badly.

"I don't know why you hold your chin up high in the sky when after God knows how long you will be dead and hurried under the ground. Insects will be eating your body till you're nothing but a skeleton. We're only human and after all we won't be bigger than Allah. In the Day of Judgment we will all stand in front of God and our heads bowing from shame. Everyone will only care about himself. There is a state in the holy Quran that says ' وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الأَرْضِ هَوْناً وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمْ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلاماً (63)'"

"Do you know what does that mean?" She asked looking at us. We shook our heads and she smiled before answering.

"People who worship Allah say peace to anyone who badmouth them. Or when you are a rich man or woman and a poor guy passes buy, you smile at him and give him some money to help him or find him a job. There are three layers of people, rich, middle and poor. Rich people should help the poor people and vice versa." She explained smiling but was interrupted by us frowning in confusion.

"How can poor people help rich people? They are poor." Harry said emphasizing the word poor.

"They can work for them. The rich help the poor by finding them a job at their factory, company or whatever. And the poor help them by working for them. If we don't cooperate together this world won't ever work properly. If everyone only thought about himself other people will die. Allah created this world having port and rich for the equality. If the people were all poor they will die, because there won't be rich people to help them and give them money. If people were all rich, no one will look for the other. Everything in this world has it's use, the farmer, the builder, the businessmen, the ant, the frog, the fly, the lion etc. If only one of those things weren't there, there won't be a proper life."

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