Chapter 23

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I looked to see Fatma resting her head on the door and her eyelids closed. She looked exhausted and there we're bags under her eyes. I walked quietly to her and scooped her up in my arms. Her eyes shot open at the sudden move.

She looked at me and smiled then said quietly "Hey." Then she closed her eyes again.

"You look exhausted." I stated quietly to her. She nodded against my chest. I carried her upstairs to my room. She wasn't so heavy it was probably her muscles. I want to work out again.

I rested her on the bed. I took her uggs and jacket off then tucked her under the duvet. She was fast asleep, she looked so peaceful when sleeping. I kissed her fore head and glanced at the clock. It read 1 pm means I have two hours to get ready.

I went downstairs to the living room to see the boys there watching God knows what. I walked to them and sat down on the armchair.

"Did she come back, Zayn?" Liam asked concerned. I nodded to his question.

"Is there something wrong you are so quiet today? Something's bothering you." Louis said. They all turned to me waiting for an answer.

"Nothing, guys. I just wanted to tell you I will go meet some friend of mine after a while. I'm just worried about Fatma, I feel she's not telling me something." I said resting my head back and closing my eyes.

"Do you trust her?" Liam asked seriously.

"Of course I do. But there is something I don't know. She's been thinking a lot these days, I'm worried about her." I sighed and opened my eyes again.

"If there is something, she will tell you, Zayn. Just stop assuming things if you're not hundred percent sure of it. She won't keep anything from you." Louis said. I sighed again and nodded. We went back to watching tv and I tried to empty my mind from everything.

An hour later we ordered Chinese food. The doorbell rang and Niall went to open the door. Fatma came to the kitchen looking less tired than before. She changed into black skinny jeans and a black long-sleeved cotton v-neck plain blouse. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and put some mascara on.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. She kissed my cheek and sat on my right side. "Hey, guys." She said softly.

"Morning, sleepy head." Louis said smiling at her.

"Hello, shortie." Harry greeted her. I held back a laugh as she glared at him.

"I'm not that short and stop insulting my height. It hurts." She pretended to be hurt and pouted.

"Awwww, I was just kidding around no need to be mad." Harry said pinching her cheek. She swatted his hand away and stood up to sit on the other side now on my left.

Niall entered holding four bags in his hand. We already ordered to Fatma when she was sleeping. He put the food and we began eating.

After eating Fatma stood up to make dessert. She began putting the ingredients in a large glads bowl while we watched her. She opened the upper cabinet and stood on her tippy toes to reach a smaller bowl. We laughed at her while she was struggling to reach the bowl.

I stood up, walked till I was behind her my front touching her back. She froze in place still standing on her toes. I reached with my hand to get her the bowl and my arm touched her waist when I placed it. I felt her shiver under the touch and smirked.

I went to sit back down while her back was still to us. She turned around with her cheeks and nose tinted pink. She looked so cute in the moment.

"I said she is a shortie." Harry said smirking at her. She glared at him and smacked the back of his head.

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