Chapter 6

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I woke up, stopped the alarm, went to the toilet, washed my face, brushed by teeth and prayed. I looked at the clock on the wall to find it still 6:30 AM. I wore my yoga pants and a tight Nike tank top, my socks, running shoes, tied my hair in a high ponytail and went for a run.

After nearly an hour run I went to take a shower, took my outfit for today, my black skinny jeans, a white sleeveless shirt, green heels, my golden bag and my summer jacket.

I dried my hair, pulled it in a high bun, and curled my short hair that ended below my ear. I wore my outfit, put mascara, winged my eyeliner and some bright red lipstick. I took a look at Kate to find that she is still sleeping. I left a note on her bedside table that I won't have lunch with her today.


I arrived in front of the building ten minutes early. I saw Starbucks about a three min walk from the building and I needed caffeine. I went and ordered a mocha. I went back to the building with my drink in my hand and my my jacket on my arm.

I arrived in the 30 floor to find Perrie in the reception. I smiled and said "Good morning."

"Good morning." She said smiling and waving.

I nodded to her and went to stand in front of my office's door. I searched for the key in my bag and unlocked the door and entered.

The office was a small version of Mr. Malik's. There was a glass wall behind my desk. The walls we're painted baby blue while Mr. Malik's was blue. My desk was black and and there was a telephone on, it had three drawers either side where I was sitting on the spinning chair.

I put my jacket on my chair and my bag on the desk. Just as I put my bag Perrie knocked and entered with some files and envelopes in her arms.

She put them on my desk and said " Those are some files of the buildings that you and Mr. Malik are going to be build. You should be ready cuz after a while you're going to see the land that the building will be built on." She pointed at yellow file. I nodded and motioned to the envelopes raising a questioning brow.

"Those are some requests for meetings with people to discuss about some buildings too. But the difference is that the files are accepted and the envelopes not yet. Open them and right a meeting for each and it has to be one each day. Then you have to remind Mr. Malik about them. Okay?" She told me slowly.

I nodded and said " Okay. And when will I go to see the land with Mr. Malik then?"

She glanced at the clock, turned back to me and said " 10 AM."

"Okay. Thanks, Perrie." I smiled at her.

She smiled back and said "You're welcome. Go get to work. Bye" she turned and left.


I glanced at the clock to see it's quarter to ten. I stood from my desk after arranging appointments and writing them in notes. I knocked on the door that separate my office and Mr. Malik. After I heard a come in. I entered.

I stood in front of his desk and smiled then said "Good morning, sir. I came to remind you that we should be going to Mr. Hastings land in 15 minutes."

"Okay. Thank you." He said, but didn't smile.

"Excuse me, sir." I said and turned then he called my name. I turned back to him and asked "Yes?"

"Meet me outside the building in five, there will be a car waiting down. Go pack your things and get the file of the building." He told me blankly. Whats with him and his mood today?

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